Chapter 04: My Sincerest Apologies

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A/N: Things didn't end well last chapter. Let's see if Loki can fix it. (Spoiler alert: We know he can't.)


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OUR CONVERSATION on the rooftop obviously didn't end well. She didn't appreciate my methods, and I wouldn't blame her for it. I must have hurt her feelings or reminded her of something that she didn't want to recall. Whatever she's feeling toward me, a part of her should be grateful that I relieved her of the secret admirer dilemma.

Wait, did I mention that we're sharing the same unit? That night, when I came home to the apartment, I didn't find her in the living room and in the kitchen. I thought that she's busy accomplishing her schoolwork in her bedroom, but she didn't get out when dinner time came. We're not that close so I had no responsibility of informing her that it's time to eat.

Throughout the night, not once did she leave her room. She didn't even go to the bathroom for a toilet break. She locked herself in.

If I were a concerned roommate, I would have knocked on her door and asked if she's okay. But I was not. Her business was not my business. And it had been a personal policy of mine to not get myself involved in other people's problem, unless they allowed me.

It's ten o'clock. The living room was dimly lit as I turned off the lights in the unit. Only the lights from the hallway outside, as well as the light from my gadgets, enabled me to see in the dark. I sat on the couch with my laptop and watched a true crime documentary on YouTube. I opened a new tab on my browser and was about type something on the search bar. Then I noticed something: the link to my roommate's blog.

I thought of ignoring it, but my curiosity got the better of me. As I clicked on the suggested search, her blog loaded slowly on my browser. The internet connection in our unit sometimes sucked. She posted a new entry one hour ago. Which meant that she's still alive—at least, around nine in the evening.

My eyes skimmed through the post, reading as quickly as I could. Some of the paragraphs caught my attention.

When my secret admirer touched my chin, I felt a sudden jolt that sent shivers down my spine. I couldn't move an inch. The thoughts that I tried to lock away came rushing back to me.

My eyes were wide open. I was wide awake. But I felt like I was living through a nightmare. I closed my eyes, hoping that I'd snap out of it.

Then Loki appeared, kicking my secret admirer away from me. I would've been thankful and changed my opinion about him, but I found out he's the reason why I had to relive those bad memories.

Apparently, he wanted to lure my secret admirer to the rooftop, so he slid a note in my locker, expecting that the latter would read it. He was hiding behind some boxes all the time. What's worse? He waited for the guy to come closer to me and make me experience the worst feeling that I've had before. He recorded everything on his phone before jumping in and "saving me."

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