kiss and don't tell me sh*t

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"Remember, I told you nothing

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"Remember, I told you nothing. There is nothing waiting for you in the house, got it?" Rowan sternly reiterated as Opie pulled the truck to a halt outside his home.

"Right." Opie laughed as he got out of the car.

"Wipe that smile off of your face! They'll know." Rowan replied, pointing her finger at Opie's grinning face.

"What- I'm not allowed to be happy?" He teasingly asked, lowering his voice as the others dismounted their bikes.

"Absolutely not." Rowan quietly exclaimed with a jovial smile, before she pushed him forward to make his way to the front door. Rowan peeked over her shoulder to the bikers behind her and flashed them a brilliant smile, making them shake their heads at her blatant excitement.

Opie opened up his unlocked front door and was met by the loud yells of "surprise" and "welcome home" mixed together to make a cacophony. Despite this, Opie's smile grew tenfold and as soon as his eyes landed on his wife, they didn't wait a second to be wrapped around each other, both ignoring the chorus of awws and wolf whistles. With Opie occupied with greeting everyone, Jax wondered over to Rowan who had made herself busy in the kitchen.

"So, how long did it take for you to tell him?" The blonde knowingly teased. Rowan's head shot up, eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights before she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She mused, fussing over refilling the snacks.

"Uh huh." Jax hummed, unconvinced with his signature smirk.

"Wipe that look off of your face." Rowan warned as she hadn't even bothered to look up, having known Jax her whole life, she knew exactly what to expect when she did. "And don't tell Donna... or Gemma." She added on in a conspiratorial whisper.

"My lips are sealed." Jax whispered, pulling a scoff from the brunette.

"Sure they are." She teased, looking to Jax with a smirk and letting out a laugh when she noticed his slightly taken aback look. "You guys gossip worse than teenage girls." She added before walking out of the kitchen with bowls of snacks that she placed on the coffee table. She took the small space next to Kenny, squeezing in, she playfully poked him in the side before bringing him into her. Kenny giggled at his aunt before getting comfortable sitting with his legs across her lap.

Jax sauntered in mere seconds after her and leaned down so his lips brushed her ear. "I kept pretty quiet about new years." He whispered before taking his seat on the arm of the couch, next to Opie. Rowan's eyes widened before she caught herself and scowled lightly at Jax's smug expression. Choosing to ignore his teasing, Rowan focused back on her nephew and got caught up in conversation with Luann.

The party went on without a hitch, the house was filled to the brim with laughter and reminiscing, making Opie's heart soar with joy. The boisterous yells from the bikers were interrupted by the shrill ring of the doorbell, Rowan jumped up to her feet to grab it hoping not to disrupt the happy bubble surrounding Opie and Donna. Rowan opened the door with a dazzling smile on her face which slightly faltered when she took in the scene waiting for her.

"Uh Wendy, hi." She smiled, attempting to recover from the shock of Jax's ex-wife showing up, as her eyes drifted down to the prominent bump protruding from her stomach.
"You're pregnant?" She exclaimed, accidentally too loud, as she let the shock overtake her noise level. She barely noticed that the party had quieted and completely missed the scolding look shared between Gemma and Jax.

"Shit." Jax mumbled as he got to his feet and made his way to the door.

"Yep, about 5 months now." Wendy nodded awkwardly, before Rowan came to her senses and stepped out of the doorway to let the blonde in, who was swiftly pulled away by Jax.

Once she closed the door, Rowan lingered at the entrance, stuck in her racing thoughts, and her eyes immediately met Donna's who looked just as shocked as Rowan felt. Rowan gave her a look to say 'did you invite her?' And Donna shot back an 'are you crazy?' Before they nodded to convene in the hallway.

Rowan went to follow Donna's retreating figure, when the blonde biker himself blocked her path. As Jax went to say something, Rowan beat him to it with a saccharine smile.
"I was wrong." Rowan started, only continuing when she saw his confused expression.
"You can keep a secret." Jax stilled at her icy tone but she had already stepped around him by the time he had thawed enough to respond.

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