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      The group began the short walk to the car, with Mike and Max helping El in the back. Julie was leading the pack, and had already arrived at the car. Julie heard El wince, and Max say something, but she wasn't paying attention. She knew something was wrong, but she reluctantly got in the car when Will pulled her in.

      It didn't surprise her when the car didn't start. "What's wrong?" Julie heard Jonathan ask in the front seat.

      "I don't... I don't know." Nancy said after a few more failed attempted at starting the engine.

      The engine continued sputtering. "You can't be serious. Come on!" The girl exclaimed. Julie heard something, like a car speeding down the road.

      From the other side of Will, Lucas spoke. "Didn't your mom just buy this car?" He asked Nancy.

      "Yes. I'm sure it's fine." Nancy replied. The car that Julie was hearing drew closer.

      "Did you leave the lights on?" Will asked.

      "No." Nancy said.

      "Do we have gas?" Lucas questioned.

      "Yes!" Nancy yelled, trying to start the car, and failing yet again. "Come on!"

      "Woah, woah, woah! Just stop, stop!" Jonathan took Nancy's hand off of the key and opened his door. "Pop the hood." He said, getting out.

      Looming even nearer, Julie heard the car engine louder than ever before. Nancy and Jonathan got out of the car to check out the car, as Julie heard the roar of an engine. She recognized it.

      Julie quickly got out of the car to see if she could see the car, and she wasn't shocked when Billy's blue camaro roared to life. He turned his headlights on as the three teenagers stared in shock. Billy continued revving the engine, and his eyes didn't leave Julie.

      "Get back in the mall." Julie said calmly, backing towards the car to let the kids out. "Back in the mall! Go, go, go!" Julie yelled alongside Nancy, making sure everyone got out of the car and and ran back towards the mall before she followed them. Max and Mike took hold of El while Julie and Nancy continued ushering them inside. Billy's engine kept revving.

      Once they got back in the mall, Mike grabbed hold of his radio, and immediately tried making contact with Dustin's crew, called 'Scoops Troop.' Julie would've made fun of the name to Steve, had she known about before this moment. While Mike continued talking into the radio, Lucas practiced with his slingshot, and Julie helped Nancy disarm the Russians, while Will and Max watched.

      "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?" Max asked the girls, specifically Julie as she cocked her gun.

      Julie made brief eye contact with Nancy. "It's just a precaution, Max. You know that I won't kill him." She answered, putting the gun in the back pocket of her jeans.

      "And not just against Billy. If he knows we're here, so does the Mind Flayer." Will said to Max. As Mike walked by, speaking into his radio about transportation, all eyes fell on the car El had thrown.

      "No chance that thing'll drive, right?" Nancy joked.

      "We don't need it to drive." Jonathan began, looking around briefly to see if anyone had caught on to what he was thinking. "We just need the igniton cable."

      A minute later, everyone, except for El and Will, was gathered by the red car, trying to lift it onto its side, at least. They were getting somewhere, until gravity took over and tipped the car back where it was before.

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