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𝑇𝑢𝑒𝑠𝑑𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜𝑜𝑛, 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ 19, 1985

      In the library during 6th period, Robin and Julie sat at their usual table in the corner, not working on homework. They were planning a sleepover for Saturday night, but it was taking a long time because they were passing notes as their form of communication. They had already gotten yelled at multiple times, and were threatened detention, so silence was their best bet at this point.

      'Come over at 6,' Robin's note read. She passed it over to Julie, who nodded and wrote below it.

      'I'll get a ride from someone, not sure who yet. Are your parents gonna be home?' Julie wrote, flicking the paper at Robin's face, earning a middle finger in response.

       Robin wrote furiously, making Julie's eyes widen at the speed her fingers moved. 'Yeah. My parents are nice and chill, so they won't bother us. We can sleep in my room,'

      Julie's eyes lit up as she read Robin's third sentence. 'Can we sleep in your bed?' Julie passed the note over, Robin giggling silently when she read it.

      'Yeah, if you want. It's better than yours, so,'  Robin gave the note to Julie, attempting to steal her pencil from her, but failing.

      Julie's brows crinkled as she read the note. Robin had never seen Julie's bed. 'How do you know that?'

      'You have a smaller bed. Mine is bigger, therefore it's better. Deal with it,' Robin wrote, blowing the paper over to Julie, who was amused by her creativity.

      'Deal with it my ass.' Julie pushed the paper over to Robin with her pencil.

      Robin thought about her response, wasn't sure if what she wanted to say would go over well. She ended up going for it, hoping that Julie wouldn't take it the wrong way. 'You have a nice ass :),'

      Julie chuckled silently when she read it, kind of wondering what prompted Robin to write it. 'Why, thank you, honey. Yours isn't bad either,'

      'Did you just compliment me, sweetheart?' Robin wrote, winking at Julie when she sent it over.

      Julie shrugged when she read the note. 'Maybe. Do you need me to bring anything over?' Julie got back on topic, realizing they didn't have a ton of time left in their class period.

      'No, I don't think so.' Robin answered, making the note a little paper airplane, flying it over to Julie, who caught it.

      'Okay :) Love you,'

      'Love you too, ;)'


      Julie and Steve were at his house, working on their homework from the day. Julie was sitting at Steve's desk, and Steve was on his bed. "Wait, where are your parents?" Julie asked, looking up from her calculus homework.

      "My dad's at work, and my mom's running erands. Why do you ask?" Steve questioned, leaning against the headboard of his bed as he set his pencil down.

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