ғᴏᴜʀᴛʏ-ғᴏᴜʀ | ᴡʜᴏ's ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʟᴅᴇsᴛ?

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      It was the Fourth of July, and Julie and her friends weren't out having fun like normal teens. Nope. Instead, they were holed up in a cabin in the woods, listening to the fireworks, while El and Julie recovered from their events.

      El and Max were sitting on the couch, Will was sitting on the back of the couch, Mike was on the coffee table, and Lucas was pacing behind the couch. Nancy stood next to Jonathan, who was holding Julie on the ground, stuffing new tissues in her ears every so often.

      "He said he was building something. That it was all for us." El looked at Julie, who was spaced out, but still listening.

      "Building something... Is he talking about the flayed?" Max asked, though no one had a definite answer.

      "He must be." Nancy said, running a hand through her hair.

      "So, he's building an army, just like we thought." Lucas added, his paces even and quiet.

      "Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread." Mike stated.

      "He's building it to stop Eleven and Julie." Will, including everyone looked over to Julie, who was slightly rocking her head back and forth.

      "At least I'm special." She whispered sarcastically, her statement causing Jonathan to remove the bloody tissues and place fresh ones in her ears.

      "Last year, El closed the gate on him, and Julie killed a bunch of Demodogs, and tenticles. I have a feeling that really pissed him off." Mike reminded the group, though no one forgot.

      "Like, royally." Lucas was still now, with his arms crossed.

      "And the Mind Flayer now knows that they're the only things that can stop him. But if they're out of the way--" Mike continued.

      "Game over." Lucas said.

      Julie looked up at Lucas at the boy's words. "He also said he was going to kill us all. Specifically all of you." Julie gestured with her hand to everyone in the room, looking back down at her hands.

      The group exchanged somber looks. "Yeah, well, that's nice." Max grumbled.

      Julie snapped her head up. Her ears were telling her something. "Julie, what's wrong?" Jonathan asked, getting Julie's hand slapped over his mouth. She put her finger to her lips, looking around at everyone in the room. She closed her eyes, and opened them again when she got results.

      "You might like to know that's almost here." Julie announced, removing her hand from Jonathan's mouth.

      The boys immediately started talking over one another in surprise, mumbling about certain death, when faint screeching shut them up. Nancy left Jonathan's side to go over to the nearest window, peering out of it.

      "I think she's right." Nancy said, shuddering.

      "I'm always right." Julie scoffed.

      The screeching stopped for a moment, and everyone was convinced whatever was there was gone. "It's just the fireworks." Jonathan said.

      Julie rolled her eyes, but began searching with her ears for movements not from this world, as Nancy spoke. "Billy... When he told you two this, it was here, in this room?" She asked El and Julie.

      El nodded, and Julie, with her eyes closed, nodded as well. She heard sounds, and she opened her eyes. "Hear that?" She asked, referring to the thundering noise.

      Julie saw Will lift his hand towards the back of his neck, and Julie knew right then that they finally believed her. "He knows we're here."

      At the boy's words, everyone jumped up behind Julie- who had ripped the tissues out of her ears- and walked outside. They stopped when they could see the road that led to the cabin. With fire works illuminating the path, they saw a giant monster, destorying everything in its path to get to them.

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