Chapter 5

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Tawan and Vegas were at a restaurant near their University having dinner, but it seems like Vegas's thought were somewhere else. Tawan was eating and telling Vegas about his day but Vegas wasn't listening, he was thinking about a smile of someone particular and his smooth skin and how his hand was so small compared to his. Vegas was brought out of his trance when Tawan shake his hand in front of him.

"Vegas did you listen to anything that I said?"

"Y-yeah yes I listened" Vegas replied in hurry.

"Then tell me what I said" in reality Vegas has no idea what Tawan told him and he tried hard to remember what Tawan said but to no avail

"I know Vegas that you didn't listen to anything I said and that you are thinking about something else so tell me what are you thinking about"

"It's nothing just about Macau"

"Why what happened to him?"

"Nothing it's just that he wants to return to Bangkok cause there is no one there to keep him company and dad doesn't want him to return because if he comes back then he will be lonely"

"I understand Macau he has never been so far way for such a long time from his beloved brother and he misses you"

"I wish it was the truth, but the reality is he wants to see Pete, it's been so many years since he last saw Pete that he misses him more than me"

"Macau loves Pete very much right?"

"Yeah he loves Pete more than his real brother, his childhood dream was for me and Pete to get married so that Pete can permanently be part of the family"

Vegas said this so casually that he didn't realise that Tawan has stopped smiling, Vegas looked up from his food and looked at Tawan who was staring at him seriously.

"So Macau's dream was to see you and Pete get married?" Vegas could feel the atmosphere shifting and the air around them becoming thicker. He instantly replied

"It was a childhood dream Tawan which has no significance, and he wanted that because he loves Pete dearly but now you know that Macau adores you right"

"Yeah" Tawan said and smiled "I'm just being silly I know it's not like that, come on let's continue or we will be late" after they finished their dinner. Vegas drove him to his condo.

"Goodnight babe I'll pick you up tomorrow morning ok"

"Ok, goodnight to you too and drive safely ok"

"Ok I know "

Vegas drove off towards his condo, even though they were dating for quite sometime but they have decided not to move in together and give each other some personal space. Vegas wanted to move in with him but Tawan convinced him that it was too soon and that first they should see if the relationship will last or not, so Vegas obliged to him.

On the other hand Tawan was still at the front of his condo waiting for someone and after a few minutes he spotted the car of the person he was waiting for, it rolled up to him and the person inside the car rolled down his window and said

"Hey handsome how are you doing today?"

"Fine, what about you P'Rome?"

Rome was a final year student from faculty of dentistry like Tawan they meet  a few months back when Tawan came back to Bangkok for his vacation and since then they have been chatting and after Tawan moved back to Bangkok their relationship has progressed more,

"So to your condo or my condo tonight"

"Mine phi, Vegas is coming to pick me up tomorrow I don't want to wake up early and commute from your condo to mine"

"Okay, then let's go to your condo"

Next morning

Vegas came to pick up Tawan and called him to let him know that he was waiting for him at the parking lot, after sometime Tawan came down from his condo and entered Vegas's car, he looked tired and looked like he didn't get much sleep so Vegas asked

"Tawan why do you look so tired did you not sleep enough?"

"I stayed up late to finish writing a report which I have to submit today and didn't get enough sleep that's why I look tired" Tawan lied he has lied to Vegas so many times in this past months that he has become and expert in it

"Even if you have to finish a report you should sleep enough, it's not good for your health to not sleep enough"

"I know I'll remember that the next time okay don't be mad at me na"

"I'm not mad, I'm just worried for your health"

"Okay okay, let's go or else we will be late and I don't want to miss professor Yim's class"

Vegas took a last glance at him and started driving. After they reach the University, Vegas dropped him off to his faculty and then drove to his own faculty. He went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast because he had skipped breakfast at home to pick up Tawan. After he got his food he looked for a table to eat his food and then he spotted Pete and Saint who were also having their breakfast there. He went to their table and greeted them

"Good morning everyone"

"Good morning Vegas" Saint greeted him back but Pete just nodded his head

"What happened Pete you look stressed?"

"Nothing, Pete is given the task of decorating the venue for the orientation ceremony for the freshers but he has no idea how to do it and that's stressing him" said Saint

"But if you don't want to do it you can say no Pete"

"He wants to say no but they won't accept because they want only Pete to do it"

"And why is that"

"Oh you don't know right, when we were in first year Pete decorated for an event and you know what the seniors and even teachers were impressed, the professor who taught event management  was so impressed that he asked Pete to change his major and join that course instead but he rejected him and after that whenever there is an event in our University they all ask Pete to do it" Saint said with a proud smile

"Wow if you're so good then it's not gonna be a problem for you, then why are you so stressed?"

"I'm not that good Saint is just exaggerating and the problem is that dad is planning on doing an event in his hotel and he wants me to handle it and it happens to be at the same time as the orientation ceremony, I won't be able to plan two events at the same time and with so little time available it seems impossible" Pete said with a very stressed face.

Saint and Vegas looked at him with pity, then Vegas said

"Don't worry Pete, you will be able to do it, me and Saint will help you as much as possible right Saint"

"Yes we will and also Perth even if he don't want to he will have to or else he will face the consequences"

"What consequences?" a voice said from behind them and they all looked at the person, Perth was standing there with a drink in his hand and a confused face

"I was saying that if you don't agree to help Pete you will face consequences" Saint said to his boyfriend

"And what are the consequences" Perth said sitting down with them on the table

"You will have to keep your hands to yourself for two weeks, no touching"

"If that's the punishment then I have to help cause I can't even keep my hands to myself for two days" Perth said with a smirk and gave a squeeze at Saint's waist. Pete and Vegas sat there and didn't even say a word. For Pete it was a normal occurrence so he didn't mind and Vegas didn't say anything because it was his first time to see his friends doing lovey dovey things in front of him and he didn't know how to react .

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