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Her whole existence froze the moment he whispered those words

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Her whole existence froze the moment he whispered those words. Tears roll down from her cheek and her eyes widen. Her heart beat fasten and she just wanted to cry.

"Taehyung." his name come out as a whisper. His lips curve into a smile and she can see his desperate eyes behind the hairs fallen on his forehead. he was there in front of her and all okay. She still think she is dreaming.

More and more tears escape her eyes and she stare at him with shock. Her heart beat fasten. She can't explain what she was feeling. she feel happy looking at him. she never knew it was him. Jungkook kept telling her, even Rose said the same thing but she never want to she him in anyone else.

she lift her hand slowly to touch his face, but she stopped when she think about all the pain and fear she went through all these years. How much he had hurt her despite knowing how much she missed him.

"No." she whispered those words. Her hand form into a fist and she took a step back. Taehyung gulp knowing she won't be forgiving him that easy. After what he did he doesn't deserve to be forgiven.

"Chubs?" he reach out his hand to hold her when she shook her head.

"No!" she can't believe that he can do all this to her, What is it that she didn't do for him me. she left everything behind. she lost herself for him and all he did was to play with her broken heart.

"I know you are angry with me but please let me explain." His voice shake. He definitely doesn't want to lose her again.

"Explain? what is there to explain? Everything is clear to me. I CAN SEE THAT YOU DON'T CARE." She shouted. her anger raise even more when he shook his head and step closer to her.

"you need to hear me out-

" I don't want to hear anything. All these years... All these years I cried for you. I don't know how many times I had panic attacks. You have no idea how much I have suffered,  how much I missed you but here you are enjoying your life throwing me away like a trash. what happened to all those promise. here take this" she rip off the ring around her neck and throw it right on his chest. His stare down at it with wide eyes. there is no use if keeping that ring if he can't keep his own promise. he promise to take care of her to make her happy.

" It's not like this-

"HOW IS IT LIKE TAEHYUNG?  WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? WHAT DID I EVEN DONE TO YOU THAT YOU MADE ME CRY EVEN MORE. " she want to punch him let him know how she felt like. her outburst was shocking to him too.

" You broke my heart again and again. showed up with a another woman. you make me feel worthless. you make me feel used. tell me Taehyung do you feel happy now? ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? THIS IS WHAT YOU DID TO ME. you broke me. you know what I don't wanna be here anymore. " His eyes widen when she turn to leave. before she could go out he wrap his arms around her and hug her tightly.

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