annoying exes.

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so i'm really close with one of my exes, like best friends okay. we talk every day and we're close af. she broke up with me on christmas because she thought i was seeing someone else but i never got over her and she never got over me. but anyways, we got into a fight because i told one of her other exes off because he was pulling the 'i still love you' card on her.

so she tells me (and i quote) "I didn't ask you to protect me so please, next time, fucking tell me before i need to hear it from him." and other things like she isn't going to tell me stuff anymore because of what i did and all that bullshit.

like hun, you sit here and tell me about how he cheated on you with multiple people and then he comes back a week later saying he still have feelings for you, and you expect me to just sit back when i can text him and tell him off? nah, i don't work that way. so i told her i was gonna go and she's like "yeah do that, bye."

then an hour later i get a message from her, she's saying things like 'i feel bad fighting with you. i am very sorry, baby.' 'i hate seeing you with other people' 'you can't just tell me you still love me and think i'll be okay with it' blah blah blah. like what does that have anything to do with what happened.

so i told her, i can't do this on and off shit, either try to make up with me or leave me alone. and she told me she wants to try to make up. so now we're okay again apparently?? but it's awkward as fucking hell and she's like "i probably need someone to take you off my mind" due to the fact we decided dating again isn't a good idea. and like. i don't like that fact bc it's one of those things where i just don't want to see my ex with someone eLSE AND UGH JUST. PEOPLE. and exes. exes really suck a lot sometimes. a lot.

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