The pool

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*Eddie's  pov*
I left the trailer grinning ear to ear, I'd never felt so apriciated.  That didn't last very long, as I peered over at Steve I saw tears filling his eyes. I ran over and hugged him tightly. "What's wrong sweetheart, Steve tell me. Please!" he wiped his eyes and muttered, "Max fucking Mayfield!" I was perplexed. "I'm confused, what did she do?"  he stifled his tears and uttered, "she saw us and now -and now she's blackmailing me!" my face turned from consurned to furious. "she won't tell anyone I know she won't but its-its just." he stopped. "no I get it." I pointed at my scar on my head. He nodded solemnly. "well we should get out of here he said and I quickly nodded.
*time gap to Steve's house* 
*Steve's pov*
Once we got inside of my house I saw his eyes dart around. "wow, pretty nice place you got here Harrington-well compared to mine!"  it made me smile seeing him so exited. He seemed to have calmed down untill is eyes set on the pool. Just as I was about to let him in it, I turned around and saw he had bombed into the water already. I swiftly pulled my shirt and pants of leaving my boxers on and hopped onto the deck. I felt his eyes on me so I exclaimed, "I can feel you staring munson!" he quickly looked away. I dived in and popped back up, legs wrapped around munsons waist. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and leant in for a kiss.
"Steve!"  yelped a muffled voice. We both jumped in terror. ROBIN!  "for God's sake, do you two ever stop?"  she rolled her eyes. "how did you get in my house Robin?" I yelled feeling embarrassed.  "I used the door dingus, I was home alone so..."  she exclaimed. "but I can see your busy so ill leave you to it, don't do anything weird."     I felt bad so I told her she could stay to which she quickly agreed.
*Robins pov*
I knew  I was  Gonna be a total 3rd wheel but I had nothing better to do so I might as well.  I already had a swim suit on as I had always intended to get in his pool, with or without his permission.  "you weren't gonna leave were you?!" steev exclaimed angrily leaving Eddie hysterically laughing. Eddie then wrapped his arm over Steves shoulder and whispered into his ear but I still heard him. "I love it when you get angry, it's hot!"  Steve's eyes widened and my eyes rolled.  GOD!  They were so annoying.  I interrupted sarcastically, "Awww you guys are so sweet together, whens the wedding?" Eddie chuckled bit Steve wasn't so impressed. "come on sweetheart it's just a joke."  Eddie smiled while scuffing up Steve's hair.  I hated to admit it but they were a great couple. They then held hands and talked absolute nonsense for what seemed like years. In an attenp to put an end to their boring conversation I remembered something Dustin had said to me  earlier that day. "oh eddie,  Dustin told me to tell you that gareth said you had a gig tonight, whatever that means."  I saw Eddie's face light up, "really, well you better come Steve!"  I was still confused. Clearly Eddie noticed I was puzzled.  "my band, my band has a gig at the hideout."  he then went back to intently staring at Steve's lips for a long while.  "well I can't wait for tonight then!"  Steve smiled.

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