Chapter 5

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Duncan stood up. "You're kidding me, right? After everything he did to you?"

"He treated me like a princess," Courtney sighed. "And I really believed it."

Duncan rolled his eyes. Courtney did not appreciate that from him at all.

"But he didn't mean it," Duncan explained to her. He said he didn't love you. You have to move on."

Courtney's face twisted. She knew he was right. But there was that feeling deep in her heart that she still had something for Scott even if he was dead now. She was still going through the stages of heartbreak. She wasn't going to get over it right away. She realized she was most likely going through the stage where she would do anything to have Scott back. To have Scott back in her arms again, for her to feel loved. But this time, she wanted it to be real.

But now it definitely wasn't possible. She'd just witnessed a murder. She was standing in front of a murderer.

"Duncan..." Courtney said quietly. Meanwhile, sirens began to blare from beyond.

"Damn, those cops are slow," Duncan grunted. It had only really been ten minutes. If it was a real emergency, the response time would have mattered a lot more. "Let's just get out of here."

Courtney watched with a blank expression as Duncan transformed back to a human. While he was doing so, she grabbed their lukewarm coffees off of the table. With a shriek, Duncan was suddenly on the floor in a ball. Meanwhile, the worker behind the counter that was still conscious and had just witnessed all of that caught Courtney's attention.

"Did you see all of that?" Courtney asked unknowingly. She squinted to read the name tag of the worker. It was Dakota.

"Yeah, I d-did." Dakota stammered. The other employee that had fainted was slowly getting to her feet, leaning against the counter for support. She wiped a streak of sweat off of her forehead. Their name tag said Dawn. Dawn was the person who gave Heather the genie bottle.

"Well, you better not do anything about it." came a growl. Courtney turned to see Duncan getting to his feet and dusting himself off.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed. We just panicked," Dakota explained. "I used to have a genie of my own. His name was Topher. He made me super rich. But Daddy says I still need to have a job, so I work here."

"Yeah, yeah, we get it," Duncan rolled his eyes. He didn't ask for her life story. "Please just don't reveal us. Courtney, we have to go." He grabbed her hand and forcefully dragged her towards the door. She gasped a little bit at his touch - it was the first time she felt him without just floating through her.

Dawn watched as the couple ran out the door. She closed her eyes and focused. "I can sense that they are both in a troubled state." she declared. She opened her eyes again. Dakota was staring at her with a bewildered expression.

"You don't say..." Dakota muttered, rolling her eyes.

"He used to be my genie," Dawn explained, talking about Duncan. "He gave me the ability to read people's auras."

"Okay." Dakota said and slowly walked away.

Back at the dorm, Courtney fell into her bed face first. She immediately started sobbing uncontrollably. Duncan just watched her, feeling uncomfortable. He wanted to make her feel better, but wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know how to deal with humans. He was only used to them bossing him around. He was never really exposed to any other expression. Duncan always made people happy. But Courtney was showing the opposite - and now he felt like it was his fault. Was killing Scott crossing the line?

four wishes - duncney (REWRITTEN) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now