Chapter 2

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Courtney and Duncan peered around the corner of the hallway, and to their unbelievable luck, Scott was around. Courtney had no idea if he would even be at his dorm. She just knew where it was, so maybe they'd find him there. So there he was. He was leaning against the door to his dorm room, arguing with someone over the phone. He was using dramatic hand gestures and appeared to be furious with whoever he was talking to. His face was red, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he looked like he could bite someone. Courtney had never seen him so angry - it made her concerned.

Despite the whole situation between them, she still couldn't help but care about him. They'd been together for a year. She couldn't have just lost all of her feelings right away. Of course she was mad about it - mad enough to seek revenge, but that didn't mean she didn't still care about him. Love is such a weird thing and Courtney hated it.

"So this is the dude that cheated on you?" Duncan quietly asked, raising a brow. Looking Scott over, Duncan did not believe that he could have won a girl like Courtney over. She just seemed too preppy for him. They seemed like total opposites. Scott looked like a scoundrel - and he was.

"Yes," Courtney sighed in response. "I don't know who he cheated on me with though."

What? How could she not know this? How did she even know that he cheated on her if she didn't know who his other partner was? Duncan pushed the thoughts to the side. It wasn't exactly his business. "Well, whoever it was, that's unacceptable." he decided to respond. Even Duncan had his standards. "So what is your wish?"

Courtney was silent for a moment. She had a million thoughts going through her head. She watched Scott angrily kick at the rug that lined the hallway as he continued arguing on the phone. She didn't want to physically hurt him. She didn't know what Duncan was capable of, but it wouldn't be that. She just wanted Scott to know just how much he had hurt her.

"I wish that Scott would feel the same pain that I felt when he broke up with me. I need his other girl to break up with him so he knows what it's like." Courtney said in a rush, hoping Duncan understood all of it. She felt devilish. She was doing something evil. But she knew that Scott deserved it no matter what her feelings argued.

Duncan nodded and obeyed. He snapped his finger, and there was a puff of the same purple smoke that came from the bottle. Courtney watched the glittery smoke slowly disintegrate into the air. She looked at Duncan, who was mischievously watching Scott. This was really happening. She was with a genie. A real genie. Courtney then turned back to Scott, who was still arguing on the phone and had not noticed them.

But then, a few seconds later, Scott paused. His eyes widened to the size of saucers. Courtney nearly stopped breathing as she watched him. Suddenly, Scott shouted into the phone. "What?!" And then he burst out crying. There was another thing - Courtney couldn't think of a time she ever saw him cry. Besides when he lost on a video game. But that wasn't serious. Her plan was working.

Scott's phone dropped to the floor and he turned around, facing the wall. He shielded his face with his elbow. He was wailing, once again, most likely waking up the entire building.

Courtney watched with an expression mixed with pleasure and sadness. She was glad that Scott was feeling the pain, yet she couldn't help but feel guilty. As much as she tried to tell herself that he actually deserved to feel the pressure, part of her was desperately trying to say that something was wrong. Something deeper she didn't know about. Why was Scott arguing on the phone, and why had she never seen these emotions from him before?

Duncan was smirking. He looked down at Courtney. He was floating above her. He was glad that she seemed to be happy about it. No matter what he did for people, he was secretly glad to make them pleased. But that was another thing that he would never, ever admit. Because at the same time, he hated everything he did, since he was just used over and over. Courtney seemed different though. He couldn't place his finger on why - at this point he has known her for 20 minutes. Why would Courtney be so special?

four wishes - duncney (REWRITTEN) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now