Chapter 3

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Duncan hurried to move away from her. Courtney stiffly got back to her feet and picked up the books Duncan might have tried to carry out to her. They weren't even the right ones. At least he tried. That seemed nice enough. She set them on the bed and turned to Duncan with her hands on her hips. She still looked frightened. "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?" Duncan asked innocently, trying to push her away. He did not appreciate her harsh tone one bit.

"That is the second time I have seen you do that. That's not normal."

Duncan rolled his eyes. "How do you know what is and what isn't normal for a genie?"

"I don't," Courtney argued. "It just seems wrong."

Duncan could feel rage boiling inside of him. He wished he could control himself better. Whether it be his seizures or his temper - it could be either right now. It was hard to defend himself. Duncan hardly even knew this girl, yet he could just tell she felt like she always had to be right.

"Why does it seem wrong?" he tried to say calmly.

Courtney scoffed. "You're writhing around on the floor in pain."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to inform you before. That's my signature dance move."

Courtney ignored him. She knew he was kidding around. "You just seem kind of weak. Are all genies like this?"

"I am not weak, so don't just assume that I am!" Duncan snapped. His rage was already overflowing just from that comment. "You know nothing about me."

Courtney was shooting daggers at him. "Well, with the way that you have writhed in agony twice in front of me in the past hour, I think I have the right to assume that."

Duncan shrugged. "I just said that's a dance move. It's called the Duncan. You should try it. It's fun."

"Shut up. You're making me more upset now." Courtney admitted.

"That doesn't mean that I'm weak. I'm very strong." Duncan finally declared, at least trying to be serious. But Duncan knew that she was right. He had tried to hide it but obviously failed. She hadn't even noticed the first seizure after he granted her wish.

"Is there actually something wrong with you?" Courtney prodded. "Like a medical condition? Is that even possible for genies?"

Duncan was now also feeling impatient. He wanted this conversation to be over. "No. There is nothing wrong with me."

Duncan thought back to all of the wrong things he had done in his one thousand, three hundred and sixty three years of life. There was a lot. He was a huge liar too. Courtney already knew that. She was smart enough to know he was lying.

"Listen," Duncan said after a moment. "Why don't you just worry about your life and I'll worry about mine. I don't go around asking why you are so nosy."

Courtney kept her mouth shut. She wasn't used to having other people boss her around. Unless it was Heather. Heather bossed her around a lot. But being the boss was normally her job.

"I'm only here to make your life better. You're just here for my aid. I'm not here for your aid, so just leave me alone." Duncan turned away from her. "I hate what I do." he muttered. But Courtney heard it.

"Well I'm so sorry for being concerned for you." Courtney said quietly.

Duncan looked back at her. He felt horrible when he saw that Courtney looked like she was going to cry again. He didn't understand why this girl was so concerned - they hardly knew each other for an hour at this point. It almost made Duncan emotional too, and he couldn't explain why.

four wishes - duncney (REWRITTEN) | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now