Chapter 3

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A/N-So this took
forever to update.
Also please remember
I will update this and
other chapters later on .

Ok thank you

Chapter 3-Familiar

I woke up to the sound of birds singing and the boys mumbling. I sat up on my bed and questioned life for a second. Yesterday night me and a lost boy 'Thomas' had spent around 2 hours talking to each other. He was a really lovely boy and if I'm honest he was quite cute. He reminded me a bit of home.

For a while I thought it may have been my birthday today. I swear it was. Either today or tomorrow I had no idea. But it was soon. Who knew That I'd be on this stupid island on my sixteenth birthday.

I heard felix shout for everyone to wake up and get ready as pan wanted us to go look for more fruit. Eventually I decided that it wasn't my birthday. Not yet. If it was I'm sure Peter would have said something. Nothing nice but something.

I got out of bed and made my way to the pile of clothes that had been dumped on the chest the day before. There were 5 sets of underwear 2 pairs of leggins, 1 shirt and some black boots. I quickly got dressed and exited my tent.

"Morning" Peter said smirking.

"Morning?" I questioned. From what i had learned so far peter had no manners whatsoever so any sign of politeness must have meant he was going insane. "What am i not aloud to say morning to my lost girl?"

"I am not lost peter i may have no family but i do know there is hope. Unlike you and the rest of the boys on this dam island." Peter did not know what to respond to this, he just chuckled and disappeared. "Why is he so moody" i asked felix "He's usually worse hes softened recently ever since wendy got here. Hell i'd say even you've made a slight change to him." He replied. An unusual comforting tone entering his voice.

"And when did wendy get here?"

"Around 5 years ago i think. im not entirely sure" I nodded processing these words. So the boy does have feelings. Is he in love with wendy? Maybe he just likes her. God now i'm interfering in his love life I sound even more like a stalker.

"Lisa?" I nodded once again completely unaware of what i was doing. "Boys" I turned around instantly and my gaze fell on peter pan. "We have an unexpected guest on this island. Her name is Maria. I want her found and brought to me within an instant."

They all nodded and parted ways. I went to follow lewis and felix but peter grabbed my wrist and told me i was to stay here until told otherwise. Why are men so bossy? Not even men , just psychotic powerful boys.

A pain hit me in my chest as i stared into the fire. I brushed it off thinking it was probably nothing. "Peter!" i yelled. "Yes darling?" He came out of nowhere. I was still confused of how he could do that. "Is there any way I could um wash myself?" I asked. I desperately needed to wash my hair. It was becoming knotted at the ends and i was covered in dirt. Peter raised one of his eyebrows and looked at me with a confused expression. "Do you want me to repeat myself" I stated.

"No love i heard you."

"And?" I impatiently asked.

"Yeah there is come with me" He walked into the forest, Me , following his every step. He led me to a stunning waterfall that mirrored the sun. I thanked him and undressed. I stepped foot into the shallow water and i felt coldness rise up against my body. I dipped my hair brushing it with my hands and swam around for a bit.

I completely forgot about peter. He of course had gone whilst i was changing but i expected him to come eventually.I sat behind a rock besides the river and combed my hair with my fingers. The dirt that was once upon me had gone. I had no clue how to dry myself though and i was confused as the pile of clothes that beside me had gone. "Peter!" I yelled.

"What love"

"Where are my clothes?" I asked. He looked at me and smirked. Of course he would, what did i expect him to do? Magic me up some clothes. "Dont get mad I didn't take them" Well one thing's for sure he would never do that "find them yourself" He said. Raising his eyebrows. "Peter im not joking with you get me my clothes or i will kill you" He rolled his eyes and disappeared again.

Imagine i thought to myself. Just imagine it and it will appear. I thought of some clothes,  A red top with lace on it, a black jacket and some jeans.

I slowly opened my eyes hoping there would be a pile of clothes infront of me but unfortunately there was nothing. All i had was my cloak. I sat there freezing from the cold water. Curse you peter pan.


It must have been hours since i last saw peter, when he left me here. I had no clothes. No clue where i was and it was bloody freezing. My skin was turning paler by the second the only thing i had was my cloak. I was tempted to go back many times but it was too late now. I could barely move my fingers.

I stared at the moon hoping someone would find me.
Somebody would and they would take me home!
If not I will find a way off this excuse of an island myself. You know what I will find a way to get away from this place. There's got to be some way.

I got up and began exploring, if there was anything I could do it was exploring. I had a good eye for everything and my eyesight was amazing (I can not relate) There were many branches that hit me as I walked randomly, no sign of an ocean or peters camp. I roamed further into the forest and began hearing the sound of waves crashing against rocks. A familiar sound I suppose.

I walked closer towards the direction of the sound. "Lost?" I heard a voice say. I clutched tighter on my cloak That I had managed to turn into a mini dress. It was short but it was good enough.
Peter. "What do you want you green hippo" I yelled at him. He pulled a pretend hurt face and put his hand over his chest. "Someone's cranky, I guess it's time for a nap" green dust appeared everywhere and it smelt awful. My vision blurred and I tried to reach my hands out to grab onto something. I fell into nothing .

A familiar feeling.




A/n: If you're wondering why I did that weird '-☂️-' thing. It looks cool on computer. Anyways it's to separate the different parts. Kind of like the pages in a book.

Also this is shorter than my last few chapters bc it was mostly rushed.

Question: what's your favourite show and who's your favourite character from it? Mine: Outer banks / The originals + Rafe cameron and Hayley Marshall.

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