Chapter 1

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Soon-to-be lawyer Courtney Barlow sat at her desk in her dorm. Frustration filled the room. Her head was in her hands. Next to her was a large stack of papers. She felt waist-deep in them. This was overwhelming. And, everything had to be finished by the end of the week. But Courtney was distracted. Alongside the stress of her school work, it didn't help that her boyfriend Scott hurt her. He cheated on her.

It was all she could think about. Despite the importance of her schoolwork, she could not focus. Courtney knew that Scott didn't deserve her. She was smart and beautiful. Scott was a greasy farmer boy. But she couldn't help but feel attracted to him. She didn't understand why he would do such a thing when she knew he could trust her not to. And now that finals were coming up, it made the situation so much worse. All Courtney had on her mind was getting revenge on him. She wanted him to feel the pain that she did, to show him how much he hurt her. She still loved him. But she wanted to love him differently.

Revenge wasn't typical for a "type-A" girl like Courtney, but she knew she had to do something. He couldn't just get away with that. She felt like if she didn't take care of all the anger bubbling inside her, then she would not get around to finishing her work. That also wasn't like her. But Courtney knew that she had to get her mind off of it. She had to show him who she really was. He doesn't know what Courtney is capable of. He doesn't know how powerful she really is, and there was no way in hell he would suspect that Courtney would do anything back to him. That's probably why he thought he could get away with it. 

Courtney just could not think of something to do. Something that would make sense without getting her kicked out of school because that could not happen.

Just then, Courtney's roommate Heather came into the room, laughing as she closed the door behind her. Courtney turned to look to see who it was. She saw Heather's boyfriend Alejandro behind her outside the door, holding an obnoxiously large bouquet of red balloons. Courtney rolled her eyes and turned back to her papers. Heather hung up her coat. It was Alejandro's birthday, so they were out celebrating. Courtney chose not to join, citing her work as an excuse - which was valid, if she had completed any of it.

"What was that look for?" Heather demanded from behind her.

Heather was the first person that Courtney told when she and Scott had freshly broken up. She had no choice but to tell her because when Courtney came into the room and collapsed into bed bawling, Heather wanted in all of her business. So Courtney told her everything that happened.

As Courtney had told her with a slur, "Scott has been cheating on me."

Heather had raised a brow and sat down next to Courtney, who was lying in her bed with her face in her pillow. "Could you lift your face out of the pillow? I didn't-"

Courtney had raised her head up and turned to Heather with a face as red as a tomato. "Scott cheated on me!" she exclaimed.

Heather didn't care. In her mind, she was thinking, at least it isn't me. Heather knew she was a bitch and she loved it. But seeing how Courtney seemed like a beached whale, she decided to talk about it. She wanted to hear the tea. Courtney's business was also Heather's business. Heather ran the school. If she didn't know what was going on, she'd fall down the social ranking. And maybe if they talked through it, it would get Courtney to shut up.

"How long were you together?" Heather had decided to ask, pretending that she didn't already know.

Courtney had moaned and slammed her face back into the pillow. "A year. A freaking year. I mean, who does that?"

Heather wasn't sure how to comfort Courtney so she just awkwardly rubbed her back as she sobbed. Heather could recall Courtney going on dates with Scott and talking about him all the time, so she was obviously committed. And now, seeing Courtney like this, Heather almost began to feel bad. But she'd never admit that.

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