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*12 years later*

Jim was soaring through the clouds at incredible speed on his solar surfer, one he made his own. He pressed the button at the back of the surfer, and the wings flopped down once he reached the maximum height.

He let himself fall a long way down. Jim was doing flips, and tricks before he could hit solid ground. He pressed the button again, and the engine lit back up again, with the wings of the solar surfer jumping back up.

He grabbed onto the metal rail and felt exhilarated. "Yahoo!" He whooped and hollered.

He was soaring through the steel metal works. Up ahead, he flew straight through a tight spot, and he knew he'd be able to escape narrowly.

This was it. This was Jim's freedom.

He smiled to himself, until he heard the alarms sounding behind him.

"Oh, great." Jim muttered.

The cops apprehended him back to the Inn in the matter of seconds. They threw open the door where everyone just stared. "Mrs. Hawkins?" The cop on his left said.

Mrs. Hawkins was in mid-conversation with Dr. Doppler, until she dropped the plates. "Jim!"

"Ooh, wrong turn." Dr. Doppler put a hand to his head and looked away nervously.

"Okay," Jim said, removing the cop's hand from his shoulder. "Thanks for the lift, guys-"

"Not so fast." The cop on the right pulled him back.

"We apprehended your son for operating a solar vehicle in a restricted area."

"Moving violation 9-0-4, section 15, paragraph, uhm..."

"Six?" Jim rubbed the side of his face. He knew this law all too well.

"Thank you." The cop said.

"Don't mention it."

His mother scolded him, "Jim!"

"As you are aware ma'am, this constitutes a violation of his probation."

Jim's mother walked over to them and sighed, "Yes, yes. No, I understand. Uhm, but could we just..."

"Uhm, ahem." Dr. Doppler cleared his throat. "Pardon me. Officers, if I might, uh, interject here. I am the noted astrophysicist Dr. Delbert Doppler. Perhaps you've heard of me." Neither of the cops responded. "No? I have a clipping."

The only question they asked was, "Are you the boy's father?"

"Good heavens, no!"

"Eww..." Even Jim's mother agreed. "He's just an old friend of the family."

The cops loomed over Dr. Doppler and exclaimed, "Back off, sir!"

"Thank you, Delbert. I will take it from here."

"Well, Sarah, if you insist." Dr. Doppler said, and cleared his throat again. He lowered his voice to her, "Don't ever let me do that again."

"Due to repeated violations of statute 15-C, we have impounded his vehicle. Anymore slipups will result in a one-way ticket to Juvenile Hall."

"Kiddie hoosegow." The other cop said.

"The slammo."

They pushed Jim forward and Jim glared at the cops, "Thank you, Officers." Sarah said. "It won't happen again."

"We see his types all the time ma'am." the cop said.

"Wrong choices."



Jim looked at the cops, ticked off.

"You take care now."

"Let's motor."

They rolled away, and everyone who was watching resumed their conversation and continued eating.

Sarah looked at her son, disappointingly. "Jim, I have had it." She said, frowning. "Do you want to go to Juvenile Hall? Is that it?" Jim silently walked away from her, and picked up a bus tray. "Jim?" Jim walked over to a table that had plates scattered and finished meals. He started to bus the table. "Jim, look at me. It's been hard enough keeping this place afloat by myself without you going..."

"Mom, it's no big deal." Jim sighed, turning to face her. "There was nobody around. Those cops just won't get off my..." His mother glared at him, waiting for him to not finish that sentence. "Forget it..."

"Mrs. Hawkins, my juice!" Mrs. Dunwiddie held up her empty glass and waved it around as she waited impatiently.

"Yes, I'll be right there, Mrs. Dunwiddie." Sarah said, and then she turned back to her son. "Jim, I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future..."

Jim had his back against the kitchen door with the tub full of dirty dishes and cups. He muttered to himself back into the kitchen as she helped out Mrs. Dunwiddie. "Yeah, what future...?" He muttered to himself.

Later that evening, Jim was at the top of the Inn. He leaned his back against the chimney, tossing away crumbs one piece at a time.

He overheard Dr. Doppler down below talking to his mother. "I really don't know how you manage it, Sarah." he said, and Jim looked over to the window. Trying to run a business while raising a felon like...Felon...Fellow...Fellow like Jim."

"Managing it?" Sarah asked, taking away his dishes. "I'm at the end of my rope. Ever since his father left, well, Jim's just never recovered. And you know how smart he is. He built his first solar surfer when he was eight!" Jim gave a tiny smile when she complimented him indirectly. "And yet, he's failing at school, he is constantly in trouble, and when I talk to him, he's like...a stranger to me. I don't know, Delbert! I've tried everything. I just wish he'd go out there, and find a nice girl he could probably settle with and be happy."

Just then, an engine sputtered up above, and Jim turned around to see a ship crashing. "Hey, mister?" Jim hurried over to check on the survivor. "Mister, you're okay in there, right?" He knocked on the window, and a hand appeared at the glass. Jim was taken aback when he saw the inside was encased with smoke.

"He's a-comin'." The captain sprawled out of his ship with the chest. He pulled on Jim's shirt, and yanked him over. Jim looked at him confused. "Can you hear him? Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' like the devil himself!"

"Uh..." Jim stammered. "Hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?"

"He's after me chest, that fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats." The captain lugged the chest over his shoulder, but he stumbled backwards, and the weight of it almost toppled him over. "But they'll have to pry it from old Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore I..." He grasped at his neck, and dropped the chest at his feet. He coughed out some more, and fell to the ground.

"Oh, my..." Jim muttered and ran over to the captain. "Come on, give me your arm. That's it." He helped carry the captain and his chest back over to the Inn.

"Good lad."

"Mom's gonna love this."

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