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On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian solar crystals felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by...pirates. And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint.

Captain Flint had turn to his men to call out an order, "Fire!"

Cannons were going off, and bombs struck a blow into the merchant ship.

"Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking its prey..."

"James Pleiades Hawkins!"

A small boy tosses his book onto his bed and pretended he wasn't reading at all. His mother appears at the doorway, the light was shining brightly from the hallway lights. She placed her hands on her hips and sighed, "I thought you were asleep an hour ago."

The small boy crawled back under his blanket and pouted, "Mom, I was just getting to the best part." He took the book back into his arms and gave her the best puppy eyes. "Please?"

His mother grinned at him, and gave in the second she looked at them. "Oh, can those eyes get any bigger?" She chuckled to herself and then sat herself on the bed. "Scootch over!"

He opens the book back up and they both read together.

...Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking its prey, Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere.

Flint's crew jumped on board the merchant ship. Swords were clanging and Flint headed straight for the chest on the ship. He hacked off the lock, and a loot of gold piled out on the ship. He gathered them into his hand and the gold shined as he let out a hearty laugh.

And then, gathering up their spoils, vanished without a trace.

"Ooh..." The mother and the son both gazed upon the book in awe.

Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination...


*(Y/n)'s POV*

"-The loot of a thousand worlds, Treasure Planet." I set the book down on the bedside table. This book was passed down to me from the caregiver of the orphanage. The caregiver said it was a gift to me from one of my parents that had left me behind when I was little, and it was the only one they wanted me to keep.

"You can't really believe that it's real, can you, (Y/n)?" a young girl asked me. I had the kids rounded up around me, reading them the book again for the hundredth time. We were supposed to be asleep, but the caregiver hadn't checked up on us in the last hour.

"It has to be!" a boy whispered in a hushed tone. The boy who was about 5 years old sat next to me. "I mean, it's a planet full of riches. It's gotta be real! Right, (Y/n)?"

"It's just a story." another girl said. "That's why they're called legends."

"Are you ever going to go out into the world and look for Treasure Planet, (Y/n)?" The 5-year old boy asked, and I smiled.

"It's been my dream to go out into the world and go on an adventure." I said.

"And you got picked!" Another boy said. "That's amazing, (Y/n)! You must be excited to go to a new home."

"Not if I have to leave you guys behind." I frowned. "I wish I could take all of you with me."

"We'll be okay," The first girl that spoke said. "We're more happy for you than anything."

"Yeah, you took care of us." The first boy that spoke beside me said.

I chuckled to myself. The kids had looked up to me, and even though we were roughly around the same age at the orphanage, they all looked up to me.

"Come on, let's get to bed before we all get in trouble." I said, and the kids started to whine.

"Hey, (Y/n)." The boy who first spoke to me said, as I tucked him in. "Do you ever wonder what it's like out there in the real world?"

"I have, yes, but I guess I'll just have to find out tomorrow. Get some shut eye, okay?"

The boy turned on his side, and I walked over to my thin mattress. I tucked myself in, and I looked out the window.

"Freedom, huh?"

Treasure Planet x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now