The mystery

680 46 38

No ship
But we love misunderstanding right,reader-nim?

Last chapter:

Cale found his father,Deruth dead
but we don't know if the other family members is still alive.

He fainted & woke up in a Inn,He then requested Hans to take him to the Henituse territory.

Hans was afraid that it was still dangerous & he's alone wouldn't be able to protect Cale so he asked Hilsman to come along.


All of the Henituse swordsman & mage that had survived overheard Hans asking Hilsman to tag along.

But they were scared that the enemy was still here so they pretended they didn't hear anything as they gone along their day.

But the Henituse swordsman & mage that was saved by Hans agree to come along to return the favor.

Now,a group of mage & swordsman was with Cale,Hilsman & Hans roles were to guide Cale to the Henituse territory safety.

The Henituse swordsman were next to Cale while mages were in the back with their mana ready.

Luckily no enemy pop out of nowhere but everyone was still on guard.

Cale look at the destroyed Henituse territory,only his house was the only one that's 80% destroyed while the other were completely destroyed or turn to dust with nothing remain.

Hans stood in front of Cale with his arms fully extended like Christ on the cross trying to stopped the emotional young master from entering the almost destroyed Henituse house.

Everyone sweat dropped at Cale cold vicious gazes except for Hans who knew the young master well enough to know Cale was actually quite emotional to see his house like this.

Hans pity the young master who had woke up after being unconscious for 2 days with some of his memories gone.

Then Hilsman step in with a idea that he'll volunteer to go into the building to see if it will collapse.

"No. Are you stupid Hilsman?"

"Sir Hilsman you shouldn't sacrificed yourself & die stupidly."

Hans & Cale shut his idea in an instant while saying it in sync,Hilsman shiver in fear when he saw at their gazes.

The other swordsman & mage finches, it was one thing if Cale look cold since it was nothing new but seeing Hans like this is terrifying.

Everyone look away from their gazes, instead look for any enemies.

Hilsman let out a short laugh while scratching the back of his head.

"Ha. Haha.. T-That was indeed stupid of me,Please accept my apologies Young master & Sir Hans."

"Don't say stupid shit like that again, Then I'll forgive you."

"You're a swordsman,Your duty is to protect young master Cale."

Both Hans & Cale accept his apologize.

"I'm a Butler so I will go instead."

Hilsman & Cale look at Hans dumbfounded who denied being a Self-sacrifice idiot but only doing his duty as a Butler.

Cale sigh & said that he won't be going inside since he knows it's dangerous & he'll only he going near it.

Hans raised a brow,He had saw how Cale almost walked in the almost collapse building without a second thoughts but it's look like the young master had calm down after stopping him from entering.

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