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"Why is it everywhere we go, someone always has to be like this? There's never any peace for us. What would they have said if they knew what we are."

Naruto sat on her bed with Kurama in her arms.

"Why couldn't the hat place me with Mada-kun? If I had known this would happen, I would've asked for a switch from the start."

Just when the fox was about to console her, the door to the shared bedroom was opened and three girls filed in, she recognized one as the Hermione girl. The others were new faces, maybe she should've paid more attention during the sorting. One of the girls opened her mouth to greet her but Naruto just held the fox in her arms, rolled onto her sides and closed her eyes.

"I don't mean to come off as rude but socializing is a bit of a problem without Madara by my side."

Maybe she had become a little bit too dependent on the Uchiha.

"Kura, can you go check up on Mada-kun for me please."

Just as the fox was about to respond to the girl, he heard above normal level snores coming from her. Kurama smiled at his cub and disappeared from her arms.

The girls that were ignored looked at the girl in curiosity.

"Did you just see that?" Parvati Patvil asked the other two.

Lavender Brown responded, "yes I did see that. The orange ball of fluff just disappeared out of nowhere!"

Hermione looked at the two girls that were conversing. "Do you suppose it's a form of advanced magic we've never heard of before?"

Lavender looked at the girl as if she was a fool, "don't be ridiculous, she's just a muggleborn, how would she know more advanced magic than myself?"

"Lav, she didn't mean it like that." Parvati attempted to calm the girl down.


The fox had reappeared in the Slytherin common rooms beside the Uchiha brat.

"Naruto sent me to check up on you." The fox deadpanned at the boy.

"Hn." He responded.

"I hope you know I'm not fluent in Uchiha. So repeat what you said there, Uchiha brat." The fox grinned at him after the insult.

Madara looked at the fox angrily, "this is just for Naruto's sake."

"Is she doing okay?"

"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it? She's not doing the best but she's currently asleep so that's that too."

Madara's aura seemed to get a bit more suffocating at the mention of the blonde being unhappy.

"Did someone do anything to her?"

"Just the red headed brat from before."


Kurama didn't need to speak Uchiha to understand the intent behind what the brat had said.

"You can't kill the brat, he's too important to this world's plot."

What the fox had said stunned Madara for a second. "Plot?"

"I'm not quite sure what it means either but mother said to not kill relevant people like himself. As a matter of fact she said to avoid killing as much as possible at this point in the world."

Seeing as the fox was starting to utter things that didn't make sense again, Madara told him to go back to Naruto's side.

Before leaving, Kurama made sure to ask, "when are you going to make a contrat with me? I'm getting tired of this speaking out loud thing now."

The Uchiha stared at the fox. Kurama shook his head and sighed before disappearing from the room.

It was then that the Uchiha chose to acknowledge the multiple eyes staring at him in the common room. A glare was all that was needed for them to avert their eyes uncomfortably.


The italics underlined is telepathy.

Contemplating if I should make this a crackfic or maybe I should just make filler chapters, which should I do? Just comment yes on whichever one you prefer.

Crackfic story


Filler crack-shot chapters

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2022 ⏰

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