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Ron sneered at Madara.

"You snakes aren't welcomed here!"

Ignoring the redheads rambling at him and the judgemental stares from everyone in the room, Madara whispered to Naruto.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay? I made a fool of myself, dattebane."

She did seem a little sulky. She wasn't even using her catchphrase with that energy he came to love, not that he'd ever tell her that.

"Pay these insignificant fools no mind. They don't matter at all, but if their opinion matters to you so much I could always 'teach them a lesson'."

Upon uttering these words, he could see she was not as embarrassed as before. She obviously thought he was making a joke, he was not. She removed her face from her hands and asked, "Pinky promise?"

Naruto raised her pinky infront of him and to the surprise of everyone there, except Naruto. He raised his own pinky and linked them together. He even gave a slight smile as he said, "Pinky promise."

Ron who had stopped rambling some time ago after realizing that he was being ignored, gaped at them both. Did they not realize that Slytherins and Gryffindors were mortal enemies?

The tinkling sound of metal tapping glass ran throughout the hall.

"Attention please."

Professor McGonagall had call for their silence and attention. The students ceased everything they were doing at once to divert their attention to the teacher's table.

Headmaster Dumbledore stood and projected his voice so all could hear.

"Now, let's feast!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth had every table suddenly became filled with food. He seated himself once more.

Seeing ramen appearing right before her eyes, Naruto couldn't help but grab the bowl and start slurping quickly. Her delicious meal time was interrupted by a query from the bushy headed child she met on the train.

"What language was that?"

Hermione was a bit curious upon hearing the two converse in a language that she couldn't quite pick up on. It sounded like an Asian language but as far as she knew, the words didn't seem to be in the simplified tongue. It sounded quite old. It bothered her very much to not at least know what language they were speaking. After all, she did pride herself in being smart.

"None of your damn business!"

Before Naruto could answer, an irritated Madara butted in. Naruto looked at Hermione apologetically.

"She wasn't asking you. Damn snake! Why don't you go to your own table."

He wasn't one to listen to weak kids so he stayed put. That was until the sunny girl at his side spoke up.

"Mada-kun. Just go for now okay, we'll work something out later."

Madara couldn't help but look at the people belonging to the Gryffindor table in disgust. These unkept slobs were making his Naruto uncomfortable and it was made worse when she realized that they weren't going to stop staring at her.

He huffed, "Fine."

He rose from his seat, glared at the Gryffindors, went towards the Slytherin table and sat himself down beside a random child, who was sorted along with them this year.

The Slytherin he seated himself next to, leaned towards him and said, "it would do you well to not mingle with those stupid Gryffindors."

Madara snorted. Who was this child to tell him what to do and even insult Naruto like that? Sure she was indeed stupid but who gave him the right?

Boredom really said, "LET OUT THE DAMN CHAPTER!" So I did just that. Sorry it's short 😓

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