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Madara felt like his soul was at peace the more he continued to pat Naruto's head. This feeling of peace was very short-lived because as soon as the train started, the compartment door was opened. He kept his hand motionless in her hair and looked at the person who opened the door in annoyance.

"Sorry for interrupting but can we sit in here?" Two boys were at the door and whilst one asked for permission to enter, the other -a redhead- pushed his way through the door and sat opposite the ninjas.

The black-haired boy smiled apologetically and sat beside his friend. "Terribly sorry for imposing but the other compartments were full."

Madara didn't care much for his apology though. As long as the people, who lacked manners, didn't wake Naruto then they didn't matter. He ignored them and continued to stroke the blonde hair. The black-haired boy seemed to get the hint as he also didn't bother wasting any words on Madara and turned to his friend to start a conversation. He closed his eyes and blocked them out as they continued to converse with each other.

There was no need to be vigilant around these children, there was nothing they could do to harm him anyway.

He came back to himself when he sensed the presence of another in the compartment. Opening his eyes, he saw a new person in the compartment, her hair was rather fuzzy and her teeth seemed to be a bit bucked. He also saw a bunch of candy piled between the two boys.

The girl seemed to be introducing herself to them.

"Holy cricket! You must be Harry Potter!" She gestured towards the dark-haired boy and then introduced herself shortly after.

"Is this child some kind of celebrity?"

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She faced Ron.

The boy could barely reply with his mouth so stuffed with candy.

"Wo- Won Weasley."

Madara looked at him in revulsion. "What a gross child."

Hermione seemed to share the sentiment as she had looked at him with unconcealed disgust.

She hid the look on her face as a means of being polite when she turned to Madara.

"And you?"

He looked at her indifferently and muttered, "Hn."

These were just weak and insignificant children, he need not associate himself with them.

"That was rather rude of you. Would it kill you to introduce yourself properly!"

Madara averted his attention from the girl so he could look at Naruto. He could feel her shifting as if she was going to wake soon.

He looked at the bushy-haired girl in annoyance. How dare this weak thing wake Naruto.

He removed his hand from her hair once more to allow her to ease herself from his lap.


He could hear the sleep in her voice and he couldn't help but find it adorable. A smirk formed at the corner of his lips.

"Now is when you choose to wake? Why couldn't you have gotten up at a later time when this girl wasn't here?"

Her sleep riddled brain ignored some important words in what he said and instead made her wonder why he was speaking in their native tongue. It was then she realized that they had an audience.

She turned to them and waved slightly.

"Hello, my name is Uzumaki Naruto. Dattebayo!"

They looked at the blonde-haired girl in some type of disbelief. Was this girl really the friend of this boy? She seemed kind and very hyper, while the boy at her side was glaring at them and giving off a cold unfeeling air.

A Second Chance | Harry Potter/Naruto CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now