Hurtful Words

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It was getting harder and harder to smile and let his boyfriend's sharp words roll off him like water. The words were beginning to hurt, draw blood, yet Arthit couldn't see it. Or, rather, he was refusing to see it.

Kongpob hefted his books and walked on, pretending not to see Arthit sitting with his hazer friends. The older boy's gaze burned into the side of Kongpob's head. He stared straight ahead, not daring to look his boyfriend's way, and went over to his friends' table to sit down.

"Dude, you're not eating today?"

Kongpob shook his head at Em's question. "Not hungry. Have an exam after lunch, and guess my nerves are making my stomach sensitive."

Em's eyes were full of understanding. "I get it. That's why I only picked up a smoothie for myself. Want me to grab you one?"

Kongpob managed a smile, nodding at his best friend. "That would be great. I didn't even think of that."

"Guess there's some things the great Campus Moon can't do," Em teased him, pushing away from the table and making a beeline for the drink stall.

Kongpob's smile vanished. Yeah...there's a lot the so-called great Campus Moon can't do. Number one is not being able to date his boyfriend whenever he wants without said boyfriend getting in a snit because people might see and call him gay. Rather than fight, Kongpob took to biting his tongue.

But if he was biting his tongue so hard it bled all the time, was it worth it? Was their relationship worth it? Especially when Kongpob felt as though he was fighting a losing battle.

Bright suddenly plopped in front of Kongpob, grinning stupidly like he was apt to do. Kongpob waii-ed him in respect, though was wary about why the senior was there.

He ignored Arthit glaring at them both from across the canteen.

"Hey, what're you so depressed about, Nong?"

Kongpob took a few moments to gather his thoughts and answer. "Nothing, Phi. I'm just-"

"Bullshit." Bright leaned in closer, the grin and sparkly eyes gone in an instant. "Did that Arthit do something? Just tell your big bro Bright, and he'll kick Arthit's ass for you."

So far, Bright was the only one who knew for sure Kongpob and Arthit were dating, and he'd found out totally by accident. Kongpob had gone off one time to pick up their dinners from the stall, and Bright walked in without knocking - he tended to do that a lot even though Arthit kept yelling at him and hitting him on the head - and Arthit thought it was Kongpob since he was out on the balcony and had his back turned, and called, "Kong, that was fast. Did she give you extra meatballs again?"

Arthit really hadn't said anything incriminating, but Bright wasn't as stupid as people made him out to be. He knew right away Arthit and Kongpob were dating and promised not to tell anyone until they were ready.

Problem was, Kongpob had been ready since day one, and Arthit would never be ready at this rate.

"There's nothing, P'Bright," Kongpob said as sincerely as he could. It was difficult to lie to Bright when he was truly their number one cheerleader. The guy loved that Kongpob was dating Arthit. At the disbelieving look Bright shot him, Kongpob slightly ducked his head to break eye contact. "Just...I'm nervous about the exam I have today. That's all."

"Ah, an exam? I could help you study, if you want."

Kongpob was about to answer when a hand slammed on the table between the two, startling them apart. When did we get so close?

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