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The trip was cut short for your own protection. You, Yuta, and Gojo believed your uncle must've infiltrated it.

Yuta had the tendency to forget you're able to heal your own wounds, even a fatal one to the heart. He still felt guilty of his action despite not being in control of his own body. "I'm so sorry—"

You cut him off, laying on your side in bed and rubbing his forearm in reassurance. "Yuta, quit it. I'm not dead. That's not how you kill me. Trust me, I know my own body and how it works." The only way to kill you was to decapitate you. It has to be a straight clean cut, no hacking because you will heal. "I don't hate you, so quit it. Now I gotta stop slacking off and start training again because I can't be weak!" You quickly rolled on your knees and looked at him. Your face from Yuta's was only a few inches apart, but you felt your heart racing from the close proximity. Your eyes scanned the details on his face from the pores to discoloration and crevices.

On the other hand, Yuta gazed into your eyes, seeing how much you changed. It made his heart flutter and all was forgiven. "But I still want to protect you," he shyly said, emphasizing how he liked being your knight in shining armor. He loved protecting you and watching you blossom into a new person.

Then one of your brows rose up, looking at him in disbelief. "What? Most people want to be independent. I want to be independent! I don't want to rely on others to protect me, that's not right. I have the power and strength to do it. I just need training to help me... plus, aren't you the one who blames yourself for not being able to protect me?"

Yuta was too stunned to speak as he totally forgot he expressed it before.

You inhaled sharply, nodding your head. His face said it all, tying up the loose ends he created. "Yeah, I thought so... Well, I have to see Gojo. He's helping me!" You jumped off the bed and before you left, you had to tell Yuta something. "I think it happened because of the weirdo you encountered inside the bathroom. Who else would've gotten so close to you like that?"


In the dojo, Gojo was training you while Yuta watched. Yuta's reasoning was so he knew what you're capable of so whatever move you decided to showcase won't make him scared. You didn't really care about his explanation, but Gojo was suspicious yet let him stay.

"Okay, y/n! Hit me with all you got!!" Gojo shouted, as you both held bamboo sticks in your hands to hit each other.

"Alright!" You affirmatively said, nodding your head. As you gripped tightly, you focused on Gojo. You didn't look away when you made the first strike.


The bamboo sticks clashed loudly as it echoed in the air. It bounced off the walls, showcasing your determination to win against Gojo. Your stick was pushing against Gojo's. You felt the tension and his strength was trying to peek through to overpower you and win.

"Y/N!! ARE YOU OKAY?!!!" Yuta stood up and shouted. "ARE YOU HURT?!!" He was very concerned about hearing the loud collision. He thought you were hurt because Gojo doesn't know how to hold back when training.

You and Gojo suddenly paused, turning heads to stare at the frantic Yuta.

"Yeah... I'm okay...?" You were confused but let it slide. You believed he's on edge since you've been through a lot.

This isn't like Yuta to be all scared... I didn't even make her fall. Very suspicious... Gojo has his hunch but wasn't going to tell unless it's more apparent.

Then you continued your training with Yuta interjecting each time he heard a loud collision or when you looked exhausted.


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