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After the phone call with Gojo, Yuta put his katana away and stared at you, wondering if he made the right choice now. "She's still alive. I can see it in her eyes that she wants to live but doesn't know how to. Her own uncle left her behind to die. What an evil man... I can only pray this opportunity will benefit the both of us!" He leaned over and scooped you into his arms bridal style. Nothing woke you up as you were dead asleep.

Walking out, Yuta summoned Rika again. "Rika, let's burn this place. We're not going to leave any evidence behind." If you really wanted to pretend you're dead then he'll help you. He doesn't know what your relationship with your uncle was, but it doesn't sound too good either. You're more scared of being alive than being dead which was odd to him. Most people fear death. "You're an interesting character, y/n. You're loved by your followers and you don't fight back, accepting your fate...."


Once Yuta made it back on campus, he brought you to Shoko's office so she could check on your health.

Shoko told Yuta to step out as she took off your clothes. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. Your body looked fine. There's no cuts and bruises except the curly V burn mark imprinted in the valley of your chest.

Should I even tell Yuta this? It's not even my place... No, I won't tell him. It's her own body and if she tells him that's on her. Shoko said to herself, wrapping up the examination to a close. You didn't have any injuries so she couldn't really do much for you, but you were burning up a deadly fever while at it.

Shoko gave you a new change of clothes so you didn't reek of blood and let you rest as she called in Yuta.

"Is she alright?"

"Yeah she is. Nothing's on her body. She's just going to be fighting a fever so,"

Then Gojo walked into the room with his mouth open. "Oh, is that y/n the occult leader?? I thought she'd be more... like... meaner looking or having a dark nature to herself. But I guess not... she looks more like an outcast or like normal?" Gojo put a high expectation on your appearance just to be disappointed. There's so many rumors about you which formulated his thoughts. He also can't wait to ask about them too since he's nosy.

Yuta wasn't surprised by his comment as he too was expecting more. Words affect a person's image. "I know, but since her uncle escaped, hopefully she'll cooperate and track him down."

"And what if she doesn't?" Gojo pressed a question that could change how this mission ends. It could either end short or be dragged out like a wild goose chase. "What are you going to do?"

Yuta's brows rose and dropped as he didn't know either. "I haven't thought about that. If she doesn't cooperate then lock her up. I know Botan will come back. I can feel it. One leader can't run the show without the other person." That's his only conclusion he could come up with since he doesn't know you or your side of the story. You're a mysterious person he still needs to unlock.

A smirk appeared on Gojo's lips. "Hmmm, if that's what you think then go ahead. Who am I to tell you what you can or cannot do? Also, you're in charge of nursing her! I'm too busy and so is Shoko! Plus, your mission isn't over yet! Have fun!" Gojo waved goodbye as he left the room.

Yuta sighed, slumping into a chair right next to him. "I hope you can recover fast so we both can get this over with,"


A few days passed and you finally woke up from your fever. You were met with a random room you didn't recognize as your heart began to race in fear and your breathing picked up. Your eyelids were wide awake, scanning everywhere. A white room filled with computers and beds, and you noticed you're out of your kimono and dressed in a thin dress. Then a knock was heard and a voice entered the room where your anxiety skyrocketed. You're not strong enough to defend yourself, nor if you knew your jujutsu would protect you since you have little knowledge of your own abilities.

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