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"Y/N!!" Yuta shouted your name in fright. He cupped your cheeks with one hand and felt it blazing hot like you were baking under the sun. "You're burning with a fever... You pushed yourself to your limit, and you protected everyone. I'm proud of you but I'm upset that this has happened. Why does it always feel like I can't protect you either?"

Yuta pulled you closer into his arms and lifted you up. He stared at the aftermath: torn bodies were everywhere and blood painted the room as some escaped from your wrath. "We're going home now,"


Yuta took you back inside your room and laid you down. He didn't dare to take off your clothes to ensure you were comfortable so Shoko took over and examined you. Your temperature was high to the point where it was deadly. She took some blood and hooked you up on an IV to give you nutrients because Shoko predicted this was going to be a long fight for your health, and she also changed your clothes into a breathable gown.

Closing the door behind her, Shoko faced Yuta and Gojo. She sighed and told them the news, "She's not injured or anything, but she has a bad fever and someone needs to monitor her. She has an IV and try putting a cold towel on her forehead to help the burning fever. There's nothing much I can do but check up on her everyday. Just holler at me if anything urgent comes up." She exited the area, leaving the two boys alone.

"The fun always happens when I'm out. What can I do without mayhem taking a toll on everyone?" Gojo laughed in a sarcastic tone as he rolled his eyes. It's no surprise that Botan would strike again to get you back. However, Gojo wished he could've seen your powers explode. He knew what you can do with his sixth eye reading people's abilities. "Was it really that amazing that I missed out on it?" He pouted, glancing at Yuta for his reply.

Yuta used his memory to recall your power filling the air. He was memorized. He's never seen such big animals attacking the enemies and causing them so much fear. You truly had a big hold against your followers. In addition, your shikigami didn't feel harmful yet peaceful and gave security. It's like being protected by your parents during a thunderstorm as lightning roared in the gray sky. You were everyone's protection and savior that day. "Yes. It was extremely breathtaking. Words wouldn't be able to do it justice as being in the moment. It's an embracing feeling that feels nostalgic and you never thought about it until you felt it. In a way, you do crave more for it after feeling it..." Yuta couldn't shake it off. Whatever mixed inside your shikigami made him want to turn himself into your follower too, it felt addicting.

"Hmmm, interesting. Let's go check up on the others,"

The other students were in the student lounge summoned by Gojo. "So how was the event? I want to hear all of it,"

Everyone had their opinions heard, but the common talk was about your power. Nobody wouldn't stop talking about how it gave them the sense of familiarity and aegis that everyone once had experienced before. They described it as a fuzzy-good feeling. This only made Gojo jealous as he wished to witness what his students were saying. He couldn't believe he missed out on a good opportunity to see your progress. However, he knew his presence there wouldn't have triggered you to do anything since Gojo's status as the most powerful sorcerer would have saved everyone.

Then Megumi piqued up, being the last one to say anything because he wanted to observe before speaking his mind. "y/n's ability is rare. Her power is able to protect, give fortune to others, and ward off evils since we use negative cursed energy whereas her positive energy is able to counter our part. Everything that y/n holds is equivalent to a deity; she's essentially one! Hence why she has so many followers and was kept under a rock for her whole life. If she dies, who knows what her followers will do to us since we're their enemy for taking their prized possession."

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