20. Mine

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The next few days were some of the best days in Y/N's life. She and Taehyung had gotten back together. Wheneve she would have melt down about the baby he would be there to comfort her and always assure her that he would take responsibility even if the baby turned out to no be his.

On the other hand Katy was furious that her plan had not worked out as well as she thought it would. Seeing Y/N So happy with Taehyung by her side just sent her over the edge. She could not stand seeing her enemy so happy so she began to cook up another scheme.

That day when she went home she couldn't help but to swell as she walked into her house. It seemed that things were already falling into place and she didn't need to do much. Just move a few things into place before sitting back and watching as the drama happened.


It was new day and Taehyung and Y/N had just walked into the school hand in hand. They were happily talking and giggling together until the felt the atmosphere around them.

When they looked away from each other they noticed how people were looking at them. It was weird since no one seemed to have a problem with them before.

Y/N was about to say something until her eyes fell onto her worst nightmare. She couldn't help but to freeze up.

Taehyung who felt his girlfriend's body tense up looked at he. He notice rd that she was looking at something and when he looked at what she was looking at he felt his blood begin to boil.

He never thought he would see this basturd again but now he dared to show his face to him. Taehyung quickly pushed his girlfriend behind him before facing the demon child of the major.

Katy on the other hand couldn't help but to smirk as she saw the two. Y/N's scared face as she looked at her brother brought so much satisfaction.

"Hi Y/N." Hyuk greeted in a sinister tone which made Y/N flinch even more into Tae's back.

"Don't f^cking talk to her or mention her name you piece of sh¡t!" Taehyung roared angrily feeling the need to punch Hyuk repeatedly.

"But we need to talk." Hyuk said in a teasing voice and Taehyung stopped himself from lunging at the other male.

"There is nothing for you to talk about with her. Just leave her the f^co alone. I swear I will kill you this time if you dare go near my girlfriend." Taehyung warned before bringing Y/N into his arms. His eyes were still trained on Hyuk with a dangerous look in them.

Hyuk let out a chuckle confusing the two while his sister could only grin at what was about to go down.

"Yeah I wouldn't expect anything less from you Kim Taehyung since you are such a savage. And I don't believe this concerns you since your dear girlfriend is carry MY child inside her." He said ending it with an evil smirk on his face.

Y/N gasped in shock while Taehyung balled his fists.

How the hell could he have know?

They asked themselves but when they saw Katy's mirroring smirk the immediately knew it was her. This girl just caused problems wherever she went.

"Don't kid yourself Hyuk. You have nothing do do with the child Y/N is carrying. It's mine. If you think this desperate attempt to get near my girl is going to work then you are sorely mistaken. Just leave her the f^ck alone or we will have serious problems." Taehyung said before pushing the other male away and walking away with his girlfriend.

He led her to the roof where she had a breakdown. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her breath became unsteady. All sorts of thoughts were roaming her head and they were not making her feel any better.

"Baby please calm down. It's not good for you or the baby. Love breathe with me. You need to breathe babe." He said trying to calm her down before he began taking deep breaths and indicated that she must copy him.

After a few minutes of repeating the action she had finally been able to calm down.

"Tae he is back and he is going to take my baby away from me. What am I going to do?" She asked her boyfriend with teary eyes.

"My love no one and I mean no one will take our baby from us. Hyuk might be back but that does not mean anything. No one will hurt our family and I will make sure of it. We are the only ones who will raise our babies no on else." He said and wiped a tear that had managed to slip out of her eye.

"Now baby please dont stress. I want you and the baby to stay healthy." He said before pulling her into his arms.

"Thank you Tae. I love you." She whispered into his neck.

"And I love you even more my love." Whispered back kissing her forehead gently.

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