10. Freak

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"Tae don't you think we should just tell them that we are dating and that you are Jae's father. Now that they know about me having her they will soon find out that you are the father."I asked as soon as he arrived on the roof.

"No." He said bluntly as he came to stand next to me by the edge.

"But why not Tae. It will only be worse it we keep the secret for any longer. You know how the kids in this school are." I tried to convince him but by the look on his face I could see that I was not going to get anywhere with this.

"I said no. They can't find out now. I am just trying to protect you two." He said still not looking at me.

"But wouldn't you protect us better if people actually knew about us. Tae let's just do it now. I don't want anymore conflicts in the future especially ones that could hurt my baby because of your fan girls." I said and looked at with pleading eyes but did it like he was giving in? No.

"We are not telling them today or tomorrow nor the next day and that final. You better listen to me Y/N." He said in the deepest tone I had ever heard him speak in.

"But Ta-" I was cut off by him walking away.

I looked at him in disbelief until he disappeared and then just rolled my eyes.

"Why can't he just listen?" I asked myself before heading downstairs as well.

When I arrived at the cafeteria I looked around for Taehyung but he was not there. I then sighed before heading to my table in the corner.

I began eating my lunch but stopped when I saw Taehyung walking into the cafeteria. He stood by the entrance and started looking around. When he couldn't find what he was looking for he sighed and then went to the table where his friends were which was also surrounded by girls.

I then also sighed before continuing with my lunch but it was interrupted by a loud bang by the entrance. The sound seemed to attract everyone's attention.

When I looked up I saw Katy with a huge smirk on her face. I could not help but roll my eyes and go back to eating.

"Listen up everyone I have an announcement to make." She spoke loudly and stood on one of the tables so that everyone could see her clearly.

I just decided to not pay attention to her. Why would she need mine when she had everyone else's.

"You know how we all found out that Y/N has a child..." She paused a bit and I shot my head up at her words.

"I think I know who the father of her baby is." She continued and only then did I notice that she was holding a rolled up poster.

"Katy..." I stood up wanting to stop her but as I tried to reach her she began opening the poster.

In the corner of my eye I could see how Taehyung's face drained of all colour. When I finally reached her she had already opened it up and shown everyone.

The room was silent until it filled with gasps mine included. The poster was actually a huge picture of when Taehyung and I had met a few minutes ago. In the picture we were very close to one another. How the hell did she get this?

Everyone looked between Taehyung and I.

"So Taehyung is the father?" Someone questioned, shock still evident in their voice.

"No he is not." I said loudly for everyone to hear but Katy dismissed my comment with a scoff.

"Don't lie Y/N. If he is not then why where you two so close together? Actually why were you even talking in the first place. Out of everyone in the whole school I would never expect that especially on the day your secret got exposed. So it has to be the truth." Katy explain now sounding smarter than she actually was.

"I AM NOT THE FATHER!" His voice boomed through the whole room making the whispers simmer down.

"T-then what were you doing with her today of all days?" One of his fangirls asked sounding as if she was about to start crying.

"I was-" we both said at the same time causing people to look at us even more suspiciously.

"Just stop lying already. One of the Bangtan boys is a teen father. This is so hilarious." He said and laughed with his friends.

When I looked at Tae he looked like he was about to explode at any moment. His friend Jin even tried stopping him from going to the boy but he failed.

When Taehyung got to the boy he punched him so hard that the boy was immediately knocked out.

"Listen up, these rumours that you are spreading are just stupid rumours. I don't have a baby with Y/N and I will never have one with her. Why would you think that me Kim Taehyung of BTS would have anything with a freak like her let alone a child. I was just asking her to do my homework when that picture was taken so please stop insulting me." He spoke brutally without any hesitation.

I looked at him in disbelief for the second time today. Tears began rolling down my cheeks as I continued to look at him.

How could he say this about me even if he wanted to keep up the act?

When he turned my way we made eye contact and it seemed like it was then when he realised what he had just said.

Before he could say anything further I ran out of there leaving the whole room laughing at those words that had just ruined me.


"Listen up, these rumours that you are spreading are just stupid rumours. I don't have a baby with Y/N and I will never have one with her. Why would you think that me Kim Taehyung of BTS would have anything with a freak like her let alone a child. I was just asking her to do my homework when that picture was taken so please stop insulting me." I spat out harshly and as soon as I closed my mouth regret started to fill me.

People were snickering and whispering. When I turned around I felt like my heart was being ripped out. I made eye contact with the love of my life and I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks.

Before I could say anything she ran out and it was like a part of me had just left. People burst out in laughter as she left the room.

I walked back to my table lifelessly and fell onto my chair.

"What the hell did I just do?"

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