Chapter 1

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Tengen pov (Age 5)
I limp behind my father with my gaze fixed on the ground. I could practically feel the anger coming from him. As usual me and my brothers where doing the normal grueling train. But this time was different we where paired off an given kunai laced with poison.

 I easily over powered my younger brother and he was unconscious on the ground but i didn't use the kunai. I didn't want to risk the poison killing him i wouldn't be able to live with myself.  As punishment i had to spar with one on one with my father and I of course lost, I ended up getting a large gash on my left leg. And he forbid any of the servants from treating my wound. The only thing he allowed me to do was get bandages from one of them and i wrapped it the best of my ability.

Right now he was leading me to a personal friend whose supposed to 'straighten' me out. Im to stay with him for a year, if this man is anything like my father its safe to say I might not survive.

Following the path threw the forest we finally reach a small clearing. There was a small house in the center, walking up the steps my father knocks on the door. It takes a moment before the door opens revealing a man around the same age as father. He had amber eyes and shaggy black hair what caught my attention was the long scar going across his face. He smiles at my father, "Ah Uzui its good to see you old friend, and this must be your son Tengen right?"

I'm caught off guard by the kindness in his eyes, is he really friends with father?

"Yes Hino it's been awhile, we still have many things to talk about." Hino-san smile falls slightly as he glances at my father before turning his attention back to me. He puts a hand on my head and ruffles my hair slightly, "My daughter Nakano should still be out back training why don't you go introduce yourself you both are the same age."

I simply nod in response and make my way down the porch. Going around the house I spot Hino-sans daughter. She was in a training outfit swinging a wooden sword. As I got closer I could see the sweat dripping down her face.

"You look like your training pretty hard." She let's out a small squeaking noise jumping slightly. I can't help but laugh as she turns towards me. Her amber eyes glare at me as she puffs her cheeks out. Blowing her black hair out of her face, "Its not funny." She grumbles at me sizing me up.

I manage to calm down slightly, "It kind of is my names Uzui Tengen. Looks like we're going to be stuck with each other for a year." Recognition  flashes in her eyes, "Oh right I completely forgot father told me you would be staying with us. He's supposed to help you with your shinobi training right?" I nod shifting on my legs trying to relieve the pain but Hino seems to pick up on it and frowns, "Your hurt aren't you?" I shrug, "Its from training its no big deal." She hits me in the head lightly with the wooden sword, "Why do boys always have to act tough. Let's go inside so my father can look at it."

"I'm fine really there's no need for that." Her eyes seem to darken slightly and I can't help but shiver, "I wasn't asking I was telling. What good is going threw all this training is your wound gets infected and we have to chop it off?" She say's dramatically and I can't help but smile a little, "Fine I'll listen you you this once."

She rolls her eyes playfully and grabs my hand dragging me behind her towards the back door of the house. We leave our shoes by the door and I follow her threw the small house.

Its probably the size of my room back home, but the difference is this place actually feels welcoming.

We arrive in front of a door and Nakano points to the one across from it and the one next to it.

"This is going to be your room while you stay here, the door right across is my room. And right next to it is the bathroom, my fathers room is in the other hall. Go ahead and go inside I'm going to go see if there done talking." I stare at her for a moment, "Why?"

She gives me a questionable look, "Why what?" I sigh slightly, "Why do you care if my wound gets treated or not we literally just met a few mintures ago." Nakano hum's in response looking off to the side thinking about what I said.

When she looks back up at me she simply smiles and shrugs, "My mother always told me to be kind to others you never know what there going threw in life. I guess that's why I'll be right back okay Uzui."

She begins to walk away, "Tengen."

"What?" I look at her with a grin, "I want you to call me by my first name." Nakano smiles playfully, "Then you have to call me by my first name too."

She leaves before I can say anything else and I slide the door open, smile not leaving my face. I scan the room there was a simple dresser and futon laid out on the floor with all the pillows and blankets. In the corner there was a desk and chair with an oil lamp on it.  I sit on the chair and not long after there a knock on the door.

"Come in." Hino-san head pokes in first scanning the room before he spots me. Closing the door behind him he sets my bag of clothes on the dresser before coming towards me with a small medical kit.

"Nakano tells me youre injured." I nod still a little thrown off by his kindness, "Yes I have a deep cut on my upper thigh from training with my father yesterday." He frowns deeply and just like Nakano his eye color seems to go a shade darker. He sighs, "I see can you remove your pants I'm going to clean and dress your wound so it doesn't get infected."

Doing as I told I remove my pants and place it behind me. Hino-san begins to get to work, I wince from the pain every once and awhile as he stitches the wound close and wraps it neatly in bandages.

He finally finishes and I put my pants back on, "Good as new, now take it easy on that leg Tengen you don't want to irritate it more. Also you won't be training for about a week in a half." My eyes widen in shock, "But my fa-."

"He can't do anything as long as your under my care. Now I'll let you get settled while Nakano and I prepare lunch okay." Hino-san ruffles my hair and leaves my new room without another word.

I stare at the door for a few minutes, warmth spreading threw my chest. So this, this is what a family should feel like......


Here's a fair warning this story is mainly for my entertainment so yes things such as ages and stuff will be off.

It might not even make sense at some point lol so I apologize if it offense you in anyway, shape of form

As for fighting scenes I still suck at them so I'll either write it out, be brief about it or just skip over it in general 😅

Feel free to let me know what you guys think in the comments still

Thats it for now


Blazing sun (Tengen Uzui x Oc KNY fan fic) RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now