high as fuck

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Alone once again Robin and I sit in silence. "Do you...feel anything?" I question her after some minutes in the quiet.

"Nah, I feel fine. Good even"

"Me too"

"Wanna know a secret?" She asks with a hint of mischief in her tone.


"I kinda like it" she laughs.

My body felt like it was being spun around and my head swam with random shapes and colors. My pain had faded away and I felt unconcerned with our situation. "Oh my god" I gasp "me too!"

We sit giggling together until the door swings open and the same unfriendly face from before looms over me. "Ready to talk?" He questions with his thick accent.

It was so funny the way Russians talked. I couldn't contain my laughter and the man looked at me with displeasure. "You messed up the drugs!" Robin announces from behind me.

"I feel funny" I gasp watching the lights dance around the room like stars.

"Tell me what you know or I will get the doctor again"

"He's no fun" Robin huffs.

With a roll of my eyes I lift up my chin defiantly "our friends are going to get help, they're going to get the entire American cavalry"

"Is that so?" He snarls.

"Mhm. Dustin Henderson is the most badass kid I've ever met! When he comes with backup you are T-O-A-S-T"

The guard shakes his head with a large wicked grin "that's not going to happen Amer-"

Just before he could finish his sentence an alarm blares loudly. Red lights flash in warning along the walls and the sinister smile falls from the mans face.

The tall door flies open behind his back and three figures rush into the room. Dustin leads the group brandishing a long electric sort of stick that he thrusts out and zaps the Russian soldier with. In a nano second the man lies splayed out face first on the ground.

"Dustin!" I beam happily "I knew you'd save us!"

He gives me a strange look and ushers Steve forward who frantically unties us. "Y/n, Robin are you guys okay?"

"My wrists hurt ughh" I whine rubbing my freshly freed forearms.

Deep rope burns mark the struggle against the bindings and I wince upon contact. Steve grabs my arm without touching the wounds with a frown on his face. He clearly feels guilty for leaving me and I can tell that even through the buzzing in my brain. Wordlessly I wrap him up in a hug and he sighs into my shoulder.

"Cute family reunion and all but we gotta go!" Erica hisses.


In the back of a goofy looking vehicle I slide around in the back trying not to bump into Robin or Erica. "Dude we're going so fast!" I shout.

"Right? What is this the indy 500?" Robin asks in a slurr.

"Indy 300" I correct.


"300" I shout waving my hands around. I'm right I know I'm right!

"Let's say...a million" she giggles. A million is a lot better then a few hundred. A million, a mill ee on. Such a fun sound.

"Okay!" I smile at her watching intently as her eyes sparkle and dance.

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