operation child endangerment

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"So what's in it for me?" Erica asks after being explained the plan.

"Uh eternal glory?" Dustin offers in a wavering tone as if it was obvious.

"Right but if I have to squeeze into that-" she gestures to the gap in the wall "I'm going to need something in return"

"Is the knowledge of helping your country not enough?" Dustin scoffs seemingly personally offended.

"Well you can't spell America without Erica" she shrugs.

"That's weirdly true" I mumble.

"But one great thing about our nation is capitalism, the price of services that are most valuable cost a lot, my understanding of the situation is that my ability to fit in there is extremely valuable"

Why is this child so smart.

"What do you want?" Robin asks with her arms folded over her chest. She looked hot when she was mad.

"You know we could find another, much less bratty, child to do this right?" I warn.

"Hold on, I'll do it" she sighs with a roll of her eyes.

"Great we'll get you a walkie-" Steve begins only to get cut off.

"But!" Erica announces "I want free ice cream for life"

We all look at one another baffled. Who raised this kid, seriously?

"Whatever fine" Robin huffs clearly fed up with the back and forth.


With flashlights attached to her pink bike helmet Erica snatches up her walkie talkie and begins climbing the ladder to the vent.

"Commencing operation child endangerment" she remarks as she shuffles herself out of sight and into the wall passageway.

"Christ" Steve mutters.

"Does she have to call it that?" Robin groans while looking me dead in the eyes. Her eyeliner was so pretty I wanted her to do mine, imagining her hands over my face and our bodies so close I got lost in thought.

"Hello earth to y/n?" Dustin calls while snapping his fingers.

I jump and look away from Robin "y-yeah?"

"Can you and Robin check the blueprints and help guide our lab rat please?"

"Mhm" I give a thin lipped smile biting back on the skin inside my mouth. That was so embarrassing, how long was I staring at her?

Robin just smiles at me flashing her exceptional teeth and waves me to sit next to her "so she should be here right now meaning her next turn will be..."

"Left in about three feet" I finish her sentence and point at the next fork in the vent system.

Our hands graze eachother and I notice Robin suck in a breath almost silently but not silent enough. Something about this makes me feel proud. Did I really have a power over her? Did I make her nervous or was I imagining it?

As we guided Erica along Dustin runs up to snatch the radio "make sure to watch out for booby-traps" he warns.

Robin gives me a 'is this kid for real' look and I purse my lips to stop a laugh. Erica scoffs back "if I could see then then they'd be pretty shit booby-traps wouldn't they?"

Dustin rolls his eyes dramatically and I scrunch my face up mockingly "these kids" I mutter.

"I think I'm here" she announces over the receiver, we all rush our way down to the elevator that was luckily not in use at this time of day.

Opening the doors the little girl swaggers through looking proud of herself. With a celebratory high-five Robin and I run into the room and immediately explore.

"What do you thinks in them?" Dustin asks looking at the various boxes.

Steve shrugs and steps towards one preparing to open it, Dustin hands him a pocket knife and Steve tells everyone to step back. As I shuffle back I bump into Robin who gives me an awkward smile, blush creeps over my skin and I mumble an apology.

"Step back dude" Steve hisses to his curly haired friend, Dustin shakes his head causing Steve to yell "I said step back!"

"No! If you die I die!" He declares. This kid was a bigger drama queen then my brother.

Accepting defeat the older boy sighs and removes a sci-fi looking tube containing a green substance. 

"What the fuck is that?" I grimace.

Before my question can be answered the whole room shakes, it gets worse and worse and everyone looks panicked. The doors close themselves and Dustin desperately tries to reopen them with the buttons.

"Press the damn button nerd" Erica taunts from behind.

"I am it's not working!" He yells as the room trembles again.

The shaking finally stops only to be followed up by the entire thing falling. Going down at a rapid pace everyone screams out, I couldn't even fathom how many floors we must have went down to reach such speed.

Two slender hands come around my waist from behind and I soften at the feminine voice "I got you" she murmurs against my ear.

We crash to the ground together, my head falling into her soft chest. "Ow fuck" I groan from the second hand impact.

"My head" she grunts beneath me, I jump up blushing furiously.

"Are you okay?" I utter the words with a shrill tone.

She offers a weak smile "yeah"

"My groin!" Steve shouts ruining the tender moment completely.

He was being crushed by boxes and I begrudgingly got up to help "yeah yeah princess I'm helping" I taunt as he releases a string of high pitched yowls.

Dustin is back at the button panel smashing everything on show. "That's not going to work, genius" Robin remarks.

"Why not?" He scoffs.

"We need a keyboard"

"Well fuck" I puff out with a deep breath. We're trapped.

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