girl talk continues

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Laying on the cold floor of the elevator I roll around trying to get comfortable with no such luck. " awake?" A drowsy voice melts into my ears like honey.

"Nope" I answer sarcastically, turning to face the blonde girl.

"I can't sleep" she mumbles blinking her warm eyes.

"Me neither I feel claustrophobic in here" I admit.

"Not used to being away from your mansion Harrington?" She smirks and I chew my lip deciding wether to be annoyed or amused.

"My life's not all riches and rainbows you know" I retort half jokingly but half serious.

She seems to soften as if understanding "rough family life?"

"Mhm. Steve's been my best friend since I could talk and our parents well they never talked to us, they still don't. Left us with nannies until Steve was fourteen" I don't know why I'm telling her all this but it comes out so naturally.

"That's actually pretty sad" she whispers, not mockingly but genuinely being empathetic.

"Yeah- when you're left alone with a stranger in your home a 'mansion' quickly turns into a prison"

Her red painted lips tug down into a frown "I never knew" she plays with her fingers and my eyes trail over her hands. They were really nice hands.

"What about you?"

"Well my parents think I'm a disappointment but at least they talk to me" she sighs.

"Imagine what they'd think if they knew we had cracked a secret Russian code" I chuckle dryly, a big part of my reasoning for doing this whole thing was some kind of subconscious 'in your face' thing.

"My mom wouldn't believe it if she had solid evidence in her face, she'd say I was over hyping myself and that the others did most of the work" she grunts.

"Moms suck" I mutter.

"Yeah they do" she laughs quietly, the sound suits her.

"Hey Robin?" I yawn "I'm getting pretty tired to be honest"

"Good, me too" she copies my yawn which I find cute. Laying my head on my arms I fall asleep beside her.


Steve having a full blown freak-out wakes me up suddenly. "I can't believe we're going to die down here" he keeps repeating in frantic whispers.

Erica gives him a disgusted look "I have to be home by tomorrow, my friend Tina will cover for me today like she always does but if I miss Uncle Jack's party my mom is going to slit your throat!" She emphasizes with a gesture sweeping across her neck.

At this Steve loses his shit "I don't care about Tina or Uncle Jack's party! Nobody will find us if we're dead in a Russian elevator!" His whole face has turned a shade of dark pink from the intensity of his yelling.

"Steve we're going to find a way out okay" Dustin reassures. My brother simply scoffs and exists the elevator to the roof, in seconds there's something running down the wall making a foul smell.

"Ew what the fuck you couldn't hold it?" I groan pinching my nose.

"For how long? Who knows when we're getting out" he huffs from above.

"At least redirect your stream, please" Robin requests.

There's some noise outside making everyone go quiet and deadly still. "Quick get up here" Steve whisper-yells down to us.

Robin and I boost Erica up before haphazardly climbing out to join them. In silence we wait as the doors click open and men come in taking out a few boxes. I cross my fingers hoping they wouldn't notice the opened box which they luckily didn't. As they leave an idea pops into my head "quickly go, go, go" I urge everyone down.

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