Set It Free

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A/N: Piggybacking off the last fic Lena came to national city early

Also this is set in about somewhere between season one and two so cat doesn't know Kara is supergirl and they are dating

Enjoy :)

And please don't fall in love with someone new

Cat's Pov:

It happened gradually, meaning not all at once.

One moment everything was fine then it felt like she was miles apart.

As I look at National City skyline I can't help but think about the beginning of it all

"Hey Cat, I can't make it to lunch today something came up.

"Is everything ok, do you need anything."

"It's nothing really I'm sure it will work itself ".

"Ok. Talk soon ?"

"Of course, but I have to go now".

"I love yo-".


"you". {Sigh}

3 days later

"Maybe I'm being to needy, maybe I should just let her come to me I'm Cat Grant for heavens sakes what has gotten in to me".

1 week later

Line Ringing

"This is Kara Danvers I missed your called but when I get I chance I'll call you back have a nice day".

"This can't be who I'm becoming, this has to be some kind of joke".

{Cat said trying to get a hold of herself}

Line Ringing

"This is Kara Danvers I missed your called but when I get I chance I'll call you back have a nice day".


"Kara when you get this don't even bother calling back we need to talk come meet has soon has you can".

2 days later

Kara's POV:

She knows, she has to know, she sounded so mad on the phone what am I going to do I should have never listened to Alex I should have just told her.

{Kara thinks as she makes her way to Cat's apartment}

"Hey, Cat".


"Listen I'm sorr-"

"I ask you to come I want to talk first is that fine with you".

{She said with her arms crossed trying to get her witts about her}

"Go ahead".

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