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complete absence of sound.

Kara's Pov

"There so many moments in my life were sound escaped me. All my life I wished to have the courage to give sound to my wants and needs. But when I think about some of the moments in my life that I shared with you I can't help but think what would have happened if I had that courage."

When I took the gauntlet for courage I was transported back to a moment were I truly lacked courage. And when I look at that moment can't help but wish I was brave, I know you believe me to be the most courageous person you know but that's not true.

(Lena) "What moment are you talking about you passed the gauntlet." [takes her hand] "You can share anything with me Kara I would never judge you."

(Kara) "I know Lena I just I wish would have had the courage in that moment." [Sighs] "It should have been me"

(Lena) "What do you mean." [squeezes kara hand trying to get her to tell her what was wrong]

(Kara) "Um....Ok it was when we went to Kasnia."

(On the plane back from Kasnia) [Gauntlet]

(Lena) "I don't know how I would able to trust anyone every again if I didn't have you and your integrity thank you Kara."

(Kara) "Lena I have to tell you something." [Walks towards Lena and grabs her hand]

(Lena) [Turns around and look at Kara] "What's wrong Kara."

(Kara) "I haven't been truthful with you and I'm sorry I betrayed your trust I just I didn't tell you to keep you safe and then I waited so long that I knew if I told you would hate me and I couldn't bare you hating me so I didn't say anything and it blew up in my face."

(Lena) " Kara your rambling just tell me I'm sure it can't be as bad as you think. Did you throw my kale away or something because if you did it's fine." [She laughs, smiling at Kara hoping to calm her down]

(Kara) [With shaking hands she takes her glasses off and look at Lena] "I'm Supergirl".

(Lena) [Lena gasps and takes a step back as she looks at Kara as if she just slapped her] "Your Supergirl".

(Kara) [takes at step forward and gently grasps Lena's arms] " Lena let me explain I just wanted-

(Lena) [Snatches her arms away from Kara and says with dangerous edge to her voice] "Don't touch me. You lied to me there is no reason that justifies looking me in the eye for 3 years and lying to me. How could you."

(Kara) [With tears in her eyes pleading with Lena to understand] "Lena I just wanted to protect you I can't lose you, I would do anything to protect you even if it means I have to hurt you I know it was wrong but I didn't know any other way."

(Lena) "No! You don't get to tell me you did it for me you did for you to get the last Luthor close to make sure she was in check it that what this friendship was to you a means to end how could you." [She says end softly as her eyes welling up with tears] "I trusted you."

(Kara) [Crying] "Lena please I just wanted to protect you it was never about you being a Luthor,  I can't lose you because-" [Wraps her arms around her stomach to comfort her self has she tries to find the courage to give this last truth]

(Lena) "Because of what why was I so special." [She says looking at Kara coldly]

(Kara) "Because I love you." [She says feeling like a weight was lifted off her chest]

[Congratulations Kara Zor-El you have showed true courage]

A/N: Vote/Comment let me know if you guys want part 2 😉

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