Battle of the Mirrors Part 3

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"Optimus, stop!" Emily cried out to the Prime.

Luckily Emily was able to stop them before they hurt each other because of a misunderstanding. Emily used her rock powers to create some rocky point edges that would stop Optimus and Megatronus from hitting each other. 

After doing so Emily stood in front of Optimus and Emilia stood in front of Megatronus so that way they wouldn’t start hitting each other and it would also make it easier for them to explain what’s going on as the two tried to reason with them.

"You have to stop fighting." Emilia told Megatronus.

"This is all a misunderstanding." Emily said as she stood in front of Optimus as Megatronus was a bit surprised by the two.

Megatronus eyed the human girl in front of Optimus as she was looking up nervously and he saw a glint of fear in her eyes which confused him more. He noticed how she looked almost like Emilia yet with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. He shook his helm and addressed her.

"Listen, little girl, I don’t know why you used your strange abilities to stop us or why you’re even defending him, but you have to get out of the way now before he destroys you." Megatronus told Emily but she just stood her ground. Luckily Emilia came to her and Optimus' rescue.

"Megatronus, wait. You have to listen to me." Emilia said and the name that she uses caused Optimus to blink his optics and Megatronus saw confusion in them as well as surprise.
"Megatronus?" Optimus questioned as Megatronus didn't put his guard down as he looked at him.

"Yes, that is my name. I am Megatronus Prime." Megatronus told him and that just surprised Optimus even more.

"Megatronus… Prime?" Optimus questioned in confusion and surprise.

"Why do you sound so surprised? It’s not like you, Optimus. Emilia, why are you trying to stop me?" Megatronus told him before asking Emilia who gestured to the blonde with Optimus.

"I know it’s gonna sound crazy but you have to listen to us, especially her. She will explain everything." Emilia told him as the others came up to them and were wary because of Optimus.

"Sir, what are you doing? He’s our enemy. We have to stop him now!" Starscream said as Emily was a little put off from seeing Starscream with blue optics.

"Let me at him. I’ll give him a good stomping." Breakdown growled as he pound his fists together.

Optimus didn't like how things were turning but he couldn't risk the safety of the girl that's currently with him.

"Emily, please move aside now. He’s too dangerous and I have to stop him now before it is too late." Optimus tried to reason with her as she looked up to him.

"Optimus, please, you have to trust me on this. It’s not what you think." Emily reassured him.

"What do you want us to do, sir?" Starscream questioned as he and the others waited for orders.

Megatronus was still debating on what he and his troops should do. But then Emily raised her hand, rather hesitantly, so she could ask for a petition.

"Megatronus Prime, sir. If I may, I would like to ask you to give me a chance to explain everything." Emily said as she looked up to him as he looked at her and was a little hesitant but Emilia patted his pede to reassure him.

"Please, Megatronus, you have to hear her, hear us. This is too crucial to be ignored." Emilia pleaded up to him.

Megatronus began to think about it and considered that perhaps listening to what Emily and Emily had to say had to be really important if they asked him to listen to them.

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