Chapter 2 Wrong dimension

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A few minutes prior...

A ground bridge portal opened up as a teen jumped down from it. The girl was an 18 year old with raven black hair and purple amethyst eyes. She held up a scanner in front of her as she looked around.

"Hmm. Nothing unusual here." She muttered before turning on her comlink as she started to walk.

"Hey, are you sure I'm in the right location? Cause I'm not getting anything in the scanner." She said through the comlink.

"I'm pretty sure you're in the right location. The energy surge is just a few kliks from where you are." The voice said as she kept walking.

"Well, I don't see any-" She was cut off when the scanner started to beep erratically as she looked around in confusion.

"Hang on, I'm getting something." She said as she narrowed her eyes.

"Need backup?" The female voice asked and she just smirked.

"Do I ever need backup? I'll call to let you know. Emilia out." She said before she turned off the comlink. 

She moved the scanner around as she continued to walk forward as the scanner kept on beeping erratically only for the beeps to intensify as she stopped at a particular spot as she looked around.

"Hmm. That's weird. There's nothing here." She said in confusion.

Suddenly she saw a ground bridge opened up and she quickly took cover behind a rock. She peeked from it as the ground bridge dropped something on the ground before the portal closed up. She wanted to take a closer look but the instincts in her kept saying to stay away and keep her distance. So she listened to it.

The teen, Emilia, watched carefully as the thing that came from the ground bridge started to come online and seemed to check its servo. She took note that it or he panicked and looked around for something or someone before he spoke in a rather familiar voice yet the voice seemed more... friendly and worried?

"Emily? Where are you?" He called out as he looked around.

She heard a groan not too far from the mech as she observed that the mech went to where the groaning was.

"Emily, are you okay?" The mech asked someone in concern as she saw someone getting up slowly while holding their head as the mech used his digit to steady the person as they shook their head to get rid of the dizziness.

She made a mental note that the person the mech was referring to was Emily but the mech is the problem. He looks way too familiar like Lord Prime but the color is all wrong.

"Oh man. That was quite a shock." The blonde girl said before she started to look around her surroundings and noticed their surroundings as Emilia took cover to avoid being seen.

"Well, we're not back at the base." She heard the Emily person say as she sighed.

"No, we are not. Emily, you disobeyed my direct orders and you almost got hurt." She heard the mech agree before scolding her sternly as she looked over the rock slightly to see the girl looking down at her feet.

"Yeah I know. I just couldn't let you face the Decepticons alone. I'm not one to leave a dear friend behind." The mention of Decepticons raised too many red flags in her head as she narrowed her eyes at them. What does the girl mean by facing the Decepticons?

The mech sighed as he looked at his companion.

"I know. But you must understand that there are things you're not ready for yet." The mech told the girl as he stood back up as the girl nodded as she looked up to him.

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