Star Wars: The Clone Wars (3)

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Yuu's P.O.V

Master Yoda had just landed and with him came reinforcements. Master Kenobi and I had arrived at the carrier with Master Yoda and Master Kenobi had just about finished debriefing him about the situation with Master Skywalker and Ashoka when the ones in question could be seen walking towards us. 

"Master Obi-wan, Master Yoda" Master Skywalker greeted the two Masters 

"Trouble, you have, with your new Padawan, I hear," Master Yoda says to Master Skywalker 

"I was explaining the situation to Master Yoda" Master Kenobi explains to Master Skywalker. "Really?" he says. Master Yoda interjects "If not ready for a Padawan, you are, then perhaps, Obi-Wan, we can..." 

Master Skywalker interrupts "No, wait a minute. I admit Ahsoka is a little rough around the edges. But with a great deal of training, and patience" he looks at Ashoka who has lifted her head with a happy grin "she might amount to something."

"Then go with you she will, to the teth system" Master Yoda nods to him 

"Teth? That's Wild Space. The droid army isn't even in that sector." Master Skywalker says in confusion. "Kidnapped, Jabba's son has been." Master Yoda responds by answering him. 

"You want me to rescue Jabba's son?" Master Skywalker replies in annoyance or was it anger?

Master Kenobi tries to convince him by saying, "Anakin, we'll need the Hutts' allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku".  "Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan will." "Will my padawan join me with the negotiation process," My master asks Yoda. 

"No, go with Skywalker your padawan will," Master Yoda says, "What?" Master Kenobi says in question "Know not the condition, of Jabba's son" he begins to explain "injured, he may be". 

We prepare to leave while the Masters are discussing the final details of their assignments. Cody walks up to me giving me a brotherly head pat. Can I even call him a brother? He reminds me of Trey in the ways he cares for his dorm member and me. I wasn't a part of Heartstabyul, but Trey made sure I felt included when/if I was there. He always looked out for me and taught me so much I miss him. Cody knocking back to reality wraps his arm around my shoulder walking with me. 

"Hey, make sure you come back alive glowstick, we don't wanna lose ya so quickly," Cody says ruffling my hair again. I start to fix my hair and give Cody a confused look "why do you call me glowstick?" slightly tilt my head. 

"That's 'cause you glow like a glowstick when you use your healing abilities," says back pointing his finger. Cody and I then make our way to the injured clones. Master Yoda had brought medical supplies, but there was many more injured clone than there were when we arrived. Thankfully there weren't many casualties. 

After we had settled all our affairs on Christophsis. Master Skywalker, Ashoka, and I along with the 501st legion were off to return Jabba's son. 

Once we had boarded the ship 'Shoka began telling Captin Rex and the rest of the troops how she saved Master Skywalker. " I pull the wall down on top of the droids, destroying them." she had a smile on her face. Ashoka had been a sibling to me since we entered the Temple we were different and contrary to what people say similarities attract. 

Master Skywalker interrupts "Alright, men, we still have a job to do" the troops disperse and return to their duties. " Would this be a good time to teach you that a Jedi is humble, my young Padawan? Like your friend over there" tilting his head at Yuu who was actively tunning out the banter had finished restocking his medical supplies and grabbing food for the two as when the two padawans were sent out they weren't given lunch and were both too nervous or excited to eat breakfast.  

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