Dorm Octavinelle

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Azul Ashengrotto 

In Book 3: Azul was a person to admire

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In Book 3: Azul was a person to admire. Azul was smart, cunning, and above all manipulative. When Yuu had made a deal with Azul he was surprised at how thoroughly Yuu checked each line of the contract. 

After Book 3: After the overblot fiasco, Azul had heard about the 'pay' if you could even call it that the headmaster gives Yuu after his janitorial duties are complete. To give his thanks Azul offered Yuu a job at Monstro Lounge and gave him decent pay and Yuu is forever grateful.  

Jade Leech 

In Book 3: The vice dorm leader was off-setting, to say the least

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In Book 3: The vice dorm leader was off-setting, to say the least. Everything in Yuu's body told him to stay away from the leech. The Leech was cunning and smart in his wording to manipulate his prey or in this case the students with the promise of laziness. 

After Book 3: Mushrooms. Jade was obsessed with mushrooms. After the leech was told of Yuu's off-world heritage he began to pester the perfect to ask about different foliage from off-world. Yuu did enjoy working with the Leech though.

Floyd Leech

In Book 3: Floyd was an interesting fellow

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In Book 3: Floyd was an interesting fellow. Yuu could not understand why the eel insisted on calling him koebi-chan, but he doesn't try to stop him if Riddle couldn't what makes him think he could? 

After Book 3: Yuu started working at Monstro lounge as a cook and waiter and at times would perform with Floyd which is what actually sparked Yuu's love for music. While Azul(when he wasn't busy with contracts) played the piano Yuu sang on stage with Floyd dancing with him. 

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