Prologue (2)

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After his talk with Yoda Yuu retreated to his room after parting with Ashoka. Yuu was in his room bored sitting there wondering why Yoda would need to speak to him on the following day. Siting up the ravenette walks around looking at some of the keepsakes he was able to hold onto those be the phone charm cater had given him after finding out the perfect had a phone, and the phone Crowley had given him during winter break, but the bird was useless as usual. The charm was a replica of cater's phone but was smaller. The other keepsakes from Twisted Wonderland are a silver hunting knife Epel had given him, a grimoire that we made by Azul and made with the help of Idia. The perfect had displayed the ability of magic at the near end of their stay at Twisted wonderland, but they had learned that they had an affinity to light and healing magic ever since Yuu had Silver tutor him in how to use his magic to heal injuries. As the time to leave come closer Azul, Idia, and Silver made the grimoire to make sure Yuu's ability would still grow and develop. 

Yuu would practice by using his magic to manipulate light and energy around the room. Yuu had actually shown Ashoka his magical capabilities. In the beginning, Ashoka thought he was joking and after his insistence, she began to think he was crazy that was until he made a ball of pure light float around the room shifting into a number of creatures as it flew including a bunny, a horse, and eventually, a dragon in its magnificent glory. After this Ashoka started to ask him to do his 'magic trick more often. (Master Yoda was informed of Yuu magical ability along with the rest of the information about Twisted wonderland)

After feeling content with the progress he made that day he made his way to the kitchen. After Trey had taught him how to bake he was obsessed he had asked the kitchen staff if he could use the facilities on occasion. The staff allowed the Jedi-in-training to use the kitchen and after he would finish making the dessert he usually left enough for the staff to try and as always they usually enjoyed the sweet treats. 

Today the boy had thought today he would try his hand at baking a strawberry tart a specialty of the unbirthday party.

First measure out butter, sugar, eggs, and flour for the crust. after measuring mix together and lay in the tin. use a fork to make holes in the bottom of the crust. Then bake in an oven. While waiting for the crust to bake make the fillings. Bring out chocolate and strawberries along with sugar and a small pot. To make the filling cut up strawberries and mix the in the pot on medium heat add in the sugar gradually to make the jam. After finishing set to the side to make the chocolate in a separate bowl and add in hot milk slowly setting aside to cool. After the crust is finished pour in your jam and then set the chocolate on top and put the tart in the fridge to cool. 

After waiting for the tart to cool Yuu cut the tart into slices and took two on plates one for himself and another for Ashoka. Walking back up the hallway he stops at Ashoka's door and knocks.

"Who is it?" Yuu could hear Ashoka say 

"It's me Yuu I have sweets to offer" Yuu had responded to Ashoka as she opened the door happy to see either him or the tart in his hand. Most likely the tart as the Togruta grabs the tart in the boy's hand and greedily devourers the tart. 

"How do make such delicious treats?" Ashoka says while eating the treat 

"I'm okay at making them," Yuu says eating his own slice he perks up at a thought

"Why do you think Master Yoda wishes to speak to us tomorrow at noon?" Yuu asks the Togruta in front of him. 

"I don't know maybe we're finally getting our masters!" Ashoka says excitedly 

"I doubt it," Yuu says back "We're too young don't you think we are only fourteen" 

"I know, but who knows," Ashoka says finishing her slice. 

The two talk some more before Yuu leaves Ashoka's room for his own. Reaching his room the door opened with a swoosh walking inside he changes out of his robes and into more comfortable sleepwear. Lay down and fall asleep. 

The following day comes and the boy after getting breakfast and a change into training clothes Yuu heads to the training room. Yuu spends the rest of the time meditating to calm his nerves and to keep his magic core from causing random magic outbursts. The time came when they were to meet Master Yoda. 

"Calm down, you look stiffer than a droid," Ashoka says seeing the nervous Yuu. 

He just nods in return too nervous to answer. The two arrive at the door and knock. "Come in, you may" the two hear the recognizable voice of Master Yoda. The two Jedi-in-training walk in seeing Master Yoda and Master Windu. 

"You two have been chosen to become padawans in these trying times," Master Windu says. 

"Agree with him, I do," Master Yoda says in response. Ashoka now with a grin on her face turns to her currently stunned companion. 

"See I told you there was nothing to worry about" Ashoka say with a confident grin and her hands on her waist. 

"But Masters aren't we too young still to be padawans," Yuu says snapping out of his shock.

"Are you rejecting this honor?"Master Windu asks eyes slightly narrowed. 

"No! I just wonder why us instead of the older trainees and significantly more talented students here at the Temple" Yuu says quickly trying not to offend the Master more than he undoubtedly already has. 

"As you know the Jedi are spread thin enough and there is a need for more Jedi on the battlefront, as well as your abilities unrelated to the force is useful in keeping the clones on the battlefield," Master Windu says calming down. 

Yuu knew that Master Yoda had reported to the council about his magic abilities, and the boy was happy to be able actually to help in this war. 

"Understood Master," Yuu said dropping his head slightly.

"Good, Yuu, Ashoka you two are to go to the crystalline planet of Christophsis and tell Obi-wan Kenobi and Anikin Skywalker to search for Jabba's kidnapped son and return him to Tatooine". Master Windu says "Nakamura, you are to report to Master Kenobi, and Tano you to Master Skywalker, Nakamura you are at times to report to different Masters depending on where your abilities are needed that is all you are to leave at once."

The two Padawans bow their heads and leave the room leaving the temple into the carriers heading to their new masters.

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