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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"

Helen Keller

Kara sat, leaned back in the gray government issued office chair, her feet rested on the polished steel top while she played a game on her phone. She smiled as a message from Sam popped up at the top of her screen, followed by another from Kate.

'Give me a call when you get a chance.' Sam's message said.

'Thanks for the help in Gotham, the BOPs want to know if you would like a girl's night on Friday.' Kate's message said.

The door opened and Kara sat up straight, swinging her feet off the table and placing her phone face down on the table top. "Hey Alex."

Nia appeared behind her sister, standing next to Brainy. "Kara!" Nia squeezed around Alex and quickly ran around the table catching Kara, who was rising to her feet, in a tight hug. "How was Gotham? What did you think of Harley Quinn? What are the Birds of Prey like?"

"Whoa, Nia." Kara laughed as she hugged her friend back. "Gotham was horrible, dark and dreary, just like always. I didn't really meet the Birds and you would love Harls, she is amazing."

"Harls?" Alex questioned; an eyebrow raised as her gaze locked on Kara. "You have a nickname for a woman you met a week ago?"

"We played video games and talked, Alex, kind of like me and Nia." Kara sighed out, exasperated. "We ordered pizza and I tried a Cosmo. Which, by the way, is absolutely terrible."

Alex folded her arms over her chest and glared across the room. "What did you talk about?"

Kara rolled her eyes, "Storms, thunder, lightning--the best pizza in Gotham." Kara glared right back at her sister and smirked. "Oh yeah, and we talked about taking over the world together. We even came up with a team name. We are going to call ourselves Sunshine and Smiles." Kara broke down, holding her stomach as she laughed at her sister's gaping mouth and wide eyes.

"Smart ass," Alex growled, her eyes moving between Nia and Brainy, silently daring them to laugh at her. She turned to close the door, resting her head against the frame as her supposed friends joined her sister. "I'm going to shoot someone today," she whispered under her breath.


Kara left the DEO through the front door, her uniform replaced by a pair of jeans and a baggy cable-knit sweater. Her favorite pair of converse tennis shoes slapped the concrete as she turned right and headed towards Noonan's. Taking her phone out of her pocket she pulled up her text messages and debated. She smiled as she reached her decision and tapped the screen.


"Kara," Sam's excited voice answered from the other end. "How are you doing?"

"Hey, Sam," Kara smiled. "Gotham was nice. I really needed the--the escape."

"If it helps, Lena is really angry at Andrea about the story," Sam admitted and Kara swore she could hear a low chuckle.

"I'm sure Diana thought it was hilarious," Kara grunted. She turned the corner and saw her destination. "You want a coffee or a hot chocolate?" Kara asked as she pushed the door open and the smells of Noonan's overwhelmed the rest of her senses.

"Hot chocolate and an eclair would be nice," Sam answered sweetly. "Maybe you can run it up to me and tell me what Supergirl's problem is with Wonder Woman?"

Kara froze in the doorway, gulping down air. "You--you know?"

"Kara, you are without a doubt the sweetest woman I have ever met, yet you cannot stand Diana. Supergirl gets along with everyone, except Wonder Woman," she explained. "Considering I see your blue eyes all the time and I have met Supergirl and she has your eyes, it wasn't that hard to figure out."

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