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"Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . ."

C.S. Lewis,

Kara set down gently on the balcony of the penthouse atop Wayne Hotel, thankful once again that Kate had made the room available only to her whenever she was in town. She opened the French doors and made her way through them, stripping off her uniform and dropping it on the couch as she headed to the luxurious bathroom. She spun Harley's card in her fingers, biting her lip as she placed it on the counter and stepped into the shower. She had barely gotten the shampoo into her hair when she heard Alex's ringtone from the living room. She smiled to herself as she ignored the ringtone and relaxed under the water.


Harley Quinn strolled into the clocktower with a smile on her red lips and slid off her boots and kicked them across the room, laughing as they landed on the stack of CatCo Magazines that Cassie had been collecting and reading.

"Find what you were looking for, Harley?" Dinah called out from the other room. She poked her head into the room with a huge smile on her face. "Well?"

"Yea, I found her." Harley responded with a huge grin on her face. "She's a piece of work, that one." She flopped down on the couch and lifted the latest issue of CatCo Magazine off the table and turned to the editorial. An image of Kara Danvers stared off the page at her and Harley studied the image for a moment, turning her head and sticking her tongue out as she concentrated.

"You really looked intelligent like that, Harley." Helena grinned as she entered the living room through the kitchen door carrying a bowl of mac and cheese. "You guys want some?" She held out the bowl and made her way towards the chair and table in front of the TV.

Harley ignored the offer as she continued the article. "Damn, who makes the ex-girlfriend write an editorial for a wedding of the woman that dumped her!" Harley threw the magazine across the room, watching it settle onto her boots. "Heartless bitch." Then her eyes saw the bowl of food in front of Helena. "Oh, macaroni and cheese!"


Kara stepped out of the shower and dried off. She slid into an oversized University of Disney t-shirt that Nia had made her and grabbed her phone. She was already dialing Alex's number as she settled gently onto the oversized couch.

"Hey sis, where the hell were you?" Alex's voice was stressed and cracked just a bit. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly through the phone. "Sorry, are you having fun in Gotham?"

Kara actually cackled as she answered. "I was in the shower, Alex." She continued to giggle as she asked, "little worried about me?"

"What? No..maybe...yes. Damn!" Alex swore, then started laughing herself. "Shit, I sound just like mom." She laughed a little louder. "You are okay?"

"Yes, mom," Kara teased. "I even remembered to brush my teeth." She giggled a bit and then turned serious. "I met someone."

"Kate took you to a bar?" Alex asked, her curiosity piqued.

"No, I met her on a rooftop," Kara laughed. "You may even know her, or know about her."

"Who?" Alex asked with a voice filled with suspicion.

"Dr. Harleen Quinzel." Kara admitted innocently.

"What?" Alex yelled through the phone. "Kara, what the hell, Harley Quinn?"

"Yeah," Kara squeaked.

"Harley fucking Quinn, Kara?" Alex choked out.

"Alex, calm the hell down. By Rao's name, she has done a lot of good here in Gotham," Kara said through gritted teeth. "Kate herself said that these Birds of Prey are doing a really good job in Chinatown and the southern parts of the city."

"Kara, she was in a relationship with the Joker," Alex pleaded. "Her body count is almost as high as..."

"The DEO's?" Kara questioned calmly.

Alex choked on her response. "You aren't thinking about..."

"She offered to talk to me, Alex. Not sleep with me." Kara offered calmly. "Sorry, that was mean of me."

"You are defending her, just like..." Alex paused.

"Just like Lena? I know, Alex," Kara sighed deeply. "Lena is happy, and I--I'm not." Kara paused and looked out the window, taking in the neon of Gotham's night sky. "Maybe seeing a shrink would help a bit."

"Can I do anything to help?" Alex asked protectively. "Look into her past, see what makes her tick?"

"Do you mind?" Kara grinned, her heart filling with happiness.

"Of course not, Kar," Alex's voice promised. "Give her a call, set up an appointment."

Kara stood up and made her way back to the bathroom, with her free hand she picked up the business card and smiled. "Love you sis."

"Love you too, Kar." Alex smiled and disconnected the call.


"So, you planning on sleeping with Supergirl, Harley?" Cassie asked, her mouth full of pasta and cheese. "Just a one night stand so you can say you had the most powerful woman on the planet."

"Actually." Harley responded snarkedly. "I just offered to talk."

"Talk?" Dinah laughed. "Is that what you are calling it?"

"Oh, shut up! All of ya!" Harley snapped. "Just because I haven't been with anyone since..."

"It's okay, Harls," Selina Kyle smirked as she walked through the front door of the Clocktower. "Ever since Ivy left Gotham all you do is sulk and beat up every gangster and yakuza in South Gotham."

"I do not sulk," Harley responded defensively. "And it isn't every one of them. You guys help."

Everyone rolled their eyes and moaned. "She'll call, Harley." Dinah smiled.

As if on cue, Harley's phone rang. She looked down at the screen, noticed the California number and answered it. "Hello."

"Still want to talk?" A very chipper Supergirl asked from the other end.

"You know we may draw a bit of attention at a restaurant." Harley said, a bit of teasing in her voice.

"How about the same rooftop we met on," Kara responded cheerfully. "I'll bring donuts, if you bring coffee."

"It's a deal, Supes," Harley grinned and stuck her tongue out at her friends.

"See ya tonight, Harls," Kara promised. "Anything you like?"

"Crullers. I like crullers." Harley answered as the girls gathered around her.

"Crullers it is then." Kara disconnected the call with a smile.

"See ya tonight, Supes." Harley smiled, even though the call had already disconnected. She looked around at her girlfriends, a huge grin plastered to her face. "What?"

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