Tori's death

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Jade's POV

"Thank you everyone. I know she'd be so happy if she knew all of you came"Trina said sniffling, her eyes were red and puffy, she had been crying. Next to her laid her sister. Tori Vega, in a coffin, motionless"As you all know, on the night of November 12th, Tori got into a terrible car accident and died on scene"She started but she stopped as she was overcome by tears"I'm sorry I can't"Trina said running off the little stage into the back somewhere

I was sitting next to Beck and Cat was on my right, with Robbie next to her and Andre next to Beck. I don't even know why I brought myself here. Seeing Tori like that, I would normally laugh, I'd rejoice at the fact Tori's dead but I'm not. I'm devastated. I didn't even get to tell her how I felt and now I will never be able to tell her how I actually feel and that I liked her. That I actually had feelings towards her. That I liked the way- my thoughts got interrupted when Beck grabbed my hand squeezing it gently

"You okay babe?"He whispered close to me

"Yeah"I spoke softly and he ran his thumb across my hand

Tori's mother came up to the stage and cleared her throat"I want to thank everyone, Tori's friends and family. She was an excellent young girl and taken too quickly from us"Tori's mom wiped her tears"Tori was born on March 15th and it was one of the best days of my life, she was a healthy baby girl and I couldn't of been happier. When we brought her home, I told my husband I didn't want to leave her alone so I slept on a air mattress in her nursery for the first 5 months. He thought I was crazy but Tori was the best thing that happened to me. If anyone else wants to say any words, you're welcome to the stage"Her mother said stepping down and wiping her face again. Cat jumped up with Robbie behind her and tapped the mic, making it do that screeching noise and everyone held their ears

"I'm sorry"Cat said softly"I don't really know what to say or do, I've never been great at funerals. Tori was one of my best friends and I couldn't ask for a even greater friend. She was always there when I needed her, she helped me with projects, she-"Cat stopped talking and broke down crying throwing herself onto Robbie who wrapped his arms around her walking back to the seats. Andre was the next to get up

"Tori Vega, man, I don't know what to say except that girl was phenomenal. Tori was the best singer I had ever met. She was beautiful too. She would always help me when I had a problem, she wouldn't even hesitate. Tori was a true one and I'm happy I got the opportunity to know a girl like her"Andre said holding himself together but once he got off the stage, he started crying. Beck nudged me in my side

"Do you want to say something?"He asked standing up

"Whatever"I said trying to sound annoyed, I needed to hold myself together. I couldn't let anyone see me like this. We walked up to the stage, Beck was holding my hand and he looked at me. I shook my head and he stood forward

"I'm extremely heartbroken that Tori isn't here with us any longer. She helped me and Jade numerous times, despite the fact that Jade wasn't that nice. She wouldn't let that get to her, she saw how much we liked each other, we just had issues seeing the light at the end and Tori was always the one to help us. I'm sad that I'll never be able to thank her more than I already did"Beck said standing back and looked at me again. What was I going to say? This was Tori's family and old friends! I didn't know what to say

"I-I don't know what to say, I'm sorry"I said walking through the line of chairs and walked outside. I wrapped my arms around myself and I cried silently. The cold air hitting my cheeks and stinging, it was the middle of November. I heard the door creek and I turned my head to see Beck and I wiped my eyes, thankfully I had tear proof mascara on

"Jade?"He asked stepping close to me"What happened?"

"I just couldn't handle seeing all those sad people in there. They wouldn't of liked what I said"I said turning around to see a puffy red eyed Beck

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