Chapter 13

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Hayami's POV

"Well look who finally showed up, take a seat Miss Hayami." My teacher smiled and motioned me towards my desk, which was stacked with papers.

"What are these doing on my desk?" I turned around

"That's all the work you've missed, which you will be making up, I've been talking to your brother you know."

"I should've expected this." I sighed and sat down.

"Now, while you work on this, you'll also have to pay attention in class, we do have finals coming up in a few weeks."

"Yes ma'am." I looked through the papers, I heard the teachers footsteps come towards me.



"Is everything okay? I was genuinely worried, I thought you went missing or worse."

"I appreciate it, but I'm fine, I just didn't want to go to school for a few days."

"I understand that, but attendance is important, I'm gonna want you here at school every morning at 7 am sharp. For tutoring and studying."

"What!?" I stood up and yelled.

"That will be your punishment, understood?"

"Yes ma'am." I said under my breath.


"Alright class, study this and do your homework." The bell rung and everyone started packing up. I rushed over to the door and saw Kisaki waiting for me just at the opposite side.

"Looks like you're excited to leave." He smiled.

"Tell me about it." I laughed and held his hand and started to walk off.

"Hayami." The teacher called from behind us.

"Yes?" I turned around.

"Remember, 7 am sharp." And with that she closed the classroom door.

"Whats that all about?" 

"Oh, I've been missing school for so long that i have to come in super early for school. 7 am. To do tutoring and what not." I sighed. "But it's what I get for not being in school." 

"Wow that sure fucking sucks huh?" 

"Well if it weren't for everything goin on with Mikey and Toman and you. But it's whatever, it's either this or moving in with my mom, everything is better than moving in with my mom." The atmosphere was quiet.

"How about some lunch?" Kisaki smiled at me, but I kept my head down.

"I don't really want lunch, I want to sleep. But I have to study for finals and all. And let's not talk about the shit ton of assignments and homework I yet have to do." We continued to walk hand in hand until we got to the park.

"Hayami I'd love to walk you home and all, but I gotta run some errands, you don't mind right?"

"Oh not at all."

"Perfect, I'll see you later then. Bye." He waved at me and walked to the other direction. I sighed and continued to walk home by myself. It was colder than usual and I didn't have a coat, the tips of my fingers were colored a rosy red and my breaths came out as vapor. I connected my earbuds to my phone and chose a playlist, before I bumped with someone, Mikey.

"Oh, sorry about that Hami."

"Yeah, no problem Mikey." I continued my path before I felt Mikey brush beside me.

"Hey can we talk?"

"I'd love to, but I'm gonna be busy." I didn't glance at him, I looked straight ahead.

"It won't take long, but it's important." Mikey hesitated to catch up to me as I sped up my walking little by little.

"Mikey seriously I can't I'm gonna be busy-"

"Hayami. Listen to me." Mikey grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him. "You need to stay inside for a while, don't go out, don't interact with any Toman members and do not talk to Kisaki. It's for your own good."

"Oh I see what this is about, you're still jealous aren't you?" 

"What? No! This is about your safety and your life." He sighed in frustration. "I'd suggest you to listen, but if you want to be stubborn and petty, be my guest. Just don't expect anything from me when you get injured, or worse." He shoved right past me while I stood there motionless. There was a lump in my throat and it hurt, my eyes stung and felt dry. My nose started feeling stuffed and I quickly made my way home. I rushed into the apartment and cried while face down on the couch. I didn't know why I was crying, but i was, and it was gross. I got up and decided to take a shower and clean myself up. I laid in bed for a few minutes just thinking to myself. I took a deep breath and took my phone out.


"Hey Mo? You think I can stay at your house for the week?"

"Sure, I'll pick you up after school tomorrow. Love you Hami, goodnight." I laid on my side and tried to sleep, it was almost impossible though. I kept tossing and turning trying to figure out what was wrong with me, why did I feel like shit? I got up and decided to make some tea to relax, I went to the kitchen and found Saki sleeping on the couch with the television on, it was on some crime documentary. I smiled and finished making my tea. I took my tea to my room and pulled out a comforter from the closet. I put it over Saki and turned off the television. I went back into my room and drank my tea while standing out in the porch. It was cold as fuck but I was too tired to even process my body absorbing the cold temperature from outside. After a few minutes of yawning and sips of tea, I rolled into bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2022 ⏰

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