Chapter 5

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Hayami’s POV

I sighed, today was fun, except for the rough night. Takemitchi really had the guts to just punch that new captain, I bumped into the same person twice, I fell into a lake. Never expected all that to happen. I walked towards the hotel, I really needed a job, the hotel was nice and all, but I needed a new place to live and a new phone. After a while of walking, I passed a pizza place.

“Now Hiring.”

I looked at the sign for a few minutes before walking in, the place was small and decent looking.

“Hello!” Someone popped up from behind the counter, it was a girl with messy, loose braids, an apron, and glasses.

“Geez, I’m here for the ‘hiring now’ sign outside of the window?”

“Oh right! Haha! We need a delivery person, a cashier, and definitely more employees.”

“Right, I can help with anything.”

“That’s great! I just got an order, to this address.” She handed me a small sticky note. “Do you know how to use a motorbike?”

“Uh yeah, sort of.”

“Great! We have skateboards, bicycles, and bikes available if you don’t want to walk and be late to deliveries! Now get going!” She put the pizzas on the counter.

“Right.” I grabbed the order and started to head out.

“Wait! Wear this!” She threw me a shirt, it was actually pretty cute. I put it on, and looked at the address again, before driving off. I arrived to the destination pretty quickly, I was tired already, but at least I had a job. I knocked on the door of the apartment listed on the piece of paper. A familiar face opened the door.

“You?!” Me and Kisaki said in chorus.

“Kisaki, it is the pizza delivery guy?” Someone whispered in the background.

“I didn’t know you had a best friend living with you.” I covered my smile with my hand.

“He’s not my best friend.” He stated.

“Ohh I see, sorry I meant your boyfriend, my bad.” I smirked.

“You jerk. It’s not my boyfriend."

“Right right, your total will be $6.47 please.” I smiled.

“Whatever.” Kisaki shoved the money onto my hand and grabbed the pizza from my hands.

“Rude.” I said as I turned around to leave.

“Wait.” He said pausing.


“What’s your relationship with Sano Manjiro? Is he your boyfriend, or just a friend.”

“That information is private, but I like you. He’s just my friend.” I said as I made my way down to the motorbike. “By the way!” I looked to see him still standing at the door. “You’re cute.” I blew him a kiss. He slammed the door before I could see his reaction. I got onto the bike, and started to drive off.

“Something is up with that guy, and I’m going to find out what.” And to do that, i had to get on his good side. I drove off to the pizza place, before going to the hotel. I still had the address in my pocket, so I wrote it down, and decided that I was going to make a call tomorrow. I needed to find out more about that Kisaki.

The next morning..

I woke up super early, I took a shower and grabbed the sticky note that the person at the pizza place girl had given me. This was going to be my first step to finding out more about Kisaki. But first, I had a job to go to. I was taking a while, I could’ve taken the bus, but i felt like walking was the best. Maybe I need to buy a skateboard, or scooter, but I’m not riding a motorbike. Luckily the one I was on yesterday had three wheels. So it was easier.

“Hey!” A cheery voice said behind me. I turned around to see, um, my boss I guess.

“Hey there.” I said, waving ever so slightly.

“I’m really happy that you’re working with me, not a lot of people go to eat there, but when they do, it takes me so long to do everything.” She stood right next to me. “The name’s Saki by the way!” She held out her hand.

“Hayami.” I said, shaking her hand. “Is there actually no one working with you?”

“I mean, there is a waiter, but she was feeling sick yesterday, so I let her go home. She should be coming back today.”

“I see.” We kept walking until we got to the pizza place.

“We’re here! Oh hey Emma!” Saki said. I looked up to see Emma, Draken’s new girlfriend. “This is-“

“Hayami.” I held my hand out and smiled. She smiled back and shook my hand. We walked inside the store and got to work. After 30 minutes of just working in silence, Saki yelled from the front of the store.

“I’m going to the store! I’ll be back in a hour!” She closed the door and left. I decided to take this opportunity to talk to Emma.

“There you are.” I looked at Emma as I leaned on a wall.

“Oh, hey Hayami.”

“I just wanted to ask you why do you never talk to me, or why do you avoid me?”

“Because I feel like you’re mad at me.”

“Mad at you? For what?” I raised an eyebrow.

“The whole Draken thing.”

“Pfft, of course not, I have my eyes on someone else.”

“Really? You don’t mind it at all?” Emma’s eyes sparkled.

“Not at all.” I smiled. “Now let’s get back to work.” I walked back to the kitchen. It was a long day, and there were plenty of customers, but I managed through. Once I was done with work, I rushed to the address on the piece of paper. I stood in front of the gate and gulped, my hands were sweaty, my stomach was turning itself into knots, and I looked like a mess.

“May I help you?” A voice said behind me.

“Oh! Right, uhm, I wanted to look at the prices of the apartments and stuff.”

“Hayami?” Another voice entered the conversation, it was Saki.

“Yeah.” I said bluntly, was is not obvious?

“Don’t worry mom, I’ll take it from here.”

“Alright, tell me if you need anything.” Saki’s mom walked back into the main building or whatever.

“What are you doing here?” Saki turned to me.

“I want a place to live, so I wanted to look at the prices of the apartments.”

Saki sighed. “You can live with me, it’s a pretty big apartment and I’ve been looking for a roommate. Just pay rent and you’re good.”

“Really? You mean it?” I said, raising my voice in excitement.

“Of course, you can move in today if you’d like.” She grabbed my hand and led me to the apartment she lived in. Thank you universe!

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