Chapter 4

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Hayami’s POV

I walked towards the crowd of quite tall middle schoolers and high schoolers. It was hard to find my way to Mikey, Draken or even Takemitchi. They all had blonde hair, even though it was obvious that their natural hair color was black, even if they didn't want to admit it. After finally finishing the maze of kids, i found my way to a familiar face, well, if it wasn't beat up then maybe i never would've guessed it. But it was bruised in some places and in others there was bandaids and a bit of blood. I walked over to him.

“Hey Takemitchi.” I nudged at him.

“Hayami? This is a first.” He said as he looked around.

“The first time seeing me in a meeting like this? Yeah.” I said as I looked around as well. Not too far away, I spotted something, or someone. It disappeared within a few seconds, I shrugged it off but continued to look around. Nothing out of the usual. A few minutes later, the new captain had finally arrived. He was blonde, had tan skin, and glasses. Wait a fucking minute.

“What’s wrong?” Takemitchy asked, he was looking at him as well.

“That guy, he seems familiar.” I whispered. After a while, some other person started talking, I didn’t bother to listen to what was going on, until I heard something that interested me.

“The new 3rd Division Captain. Tetta Kisaki.” The voice said clearly. Kisaki huh.

“That sounds like an asshole name if you ask me.” I mumbled. “Am I right Takemitchy?” I turned around to know his answer, but he was gone, well actually, he was heading towards Kisaki. In a matter of seconds, Kisaki had his glasses all messed up but fixed them quickly. Takemitchy punched him, Takemitchy really fucking punched him. Wowza. I would’ve loved to keep watching what was going on, but I spotted a familiar silhouette in the crowd of middle schoolers. I stepped aside and went to find out who it was. I was probably not sneaky enough, before I could see him closer, he ran away, but I ran after him, I chased him for a while, before losing him.

“Damnit!” I yelled. I picked up a rock and threw it at a street sign, and I sighed. I decided to go back to the hotel. I walked in silence, until I bumped into someone. And guess who it was.

“You again?” The tan boy questioned without any expression.

“Second time, with the same person, you must be a really blind bastard huh.” I smiled.

“Move out of the way.” He said bluntly.

“Ouch, who hurt you today? Oh I know, was it Takemitchy?” I whispered. My goal was to annoy him, and gain some fun out of the day.

“Just move bitch.” We locked eyes for a few seconds before hearing Mikey.

“What’s going on?” Mikey said, coming in between us.


“This new member was just asking me the way to a hotel! He lives pretty far away from here, so I told him he could stay at the hotel I’m at.” I said, smiling slightly.

“I see.” Mikey shot both of us a bold look.

“Well, I have to get going! Bye bye!” I waved to them both before running off. I wasn’t looking to where I was going, until I looked at my surroundings, I was in the park that me and my brother always used to go to. Sick. I sat down by the lake and looked at the sky. So pretty. The water looked so peaceful. Everything did. Well that was before I slipped down into the lake. The water was shallow, but now my uniform was soaked. Fuck.

“Need a hand?” I heard a familiar voice above me. It was Mikey.

“Yes please.” He held his hand out, which I used to get out.

“Wow, you’re soaked.”

“No! Really?” I looked at him with a surprised face.

“Here, I have some extra clothes at my house.”

“No it’s alright, I wanna go home.”

“Alright then, I have some clothes somewhere in the storage of the bike you can change and I’ll take you home.”

“Thanks Mikey.” I smiled. He went to his bike and pulled out some pants and a t-shirt, nothing too fancy nor basic. I went into a bathroom to change. The laundry place I used wasn’t too far away from where I was standing.

“Hop on.” Mikey said.

“There’s no helmet.” I said, standing in place.

“So? I’ll give you mine.”

“Now you don’t have a helmet.”

Mikey sighed. “You want to walk home don’t you?” I just nodded. “Okay then, just be safe.”

“Bye.” I waved at Mikey as he drove off. I started a little late night walk around the city.

Kisaki’s POV

“Fuck!” I said as I entered my apartment.

“What happened now?” Hanma called from the kitchen.

“There’s a girl.”

“A girl?” Hanma said raising an eyebrow. “Who’s the unlucky girl then?”

“You moron, there’s a girl in Toman. But she’s really close to Mikey.” I sat down on my couch.

“I know, I saw her too. She chased me.”

“You should’ve been more careful you asshole. But why a girl.”

“I’m not surprised, why are you?”

“She’s Mikey’s girlfriend or something like that. I’m not sure.” I rubbed my temples.

“And? Does that interfere with our plan in any way?” Hanma said bluntly.

“Yes, it fucking does. If she’s in the way, she’ll probably protect him.”

“What is she?” Hanma picked up his phone.

“I’m not sure, maybe just another fighter? Or she’s just there to show off, I can’t really think of anything else.”

“Well easy, if she becomes an obstacle, kill her with your bare hands like you said you would.” He smiled. He knew I wouldn’t do it, maybe I’d have to prove it. “Do you want pepperoni or cheese?”

“What?” I turned my head.

“Pepperoni or cheese, I’m ordering pizza. Or are you super evil and would like pineapple?” He smirked.

“Whatever I don’t care.” I walked towards my bedroom but I stopped before opening the door. “If i don’t see breadsticks with the pizza, I’m killing both you and the pizza delivery guy.” I slammed the door shut.

“I knew it.” Hanma smiled and started the order.

Mind Fuck - Kisaki Tetta x Fem OCWhere stories live. Discover now