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"Well then! I will leave you two to it!" said Thoma as he turn to you "and I was ordered by Lady Ayaka to take you back to the resident, Lady y/n"

"Huh?" you cross your arm, "why should I? I'm on Vacation"

"Hey!" Paimon yells, "why can't we go but she can!" Lumine holds her down.

"Sorry, She was just loud," said Lumine

"Haha, I figure you two would think it's unfair but order is orders" Thoma huff, "now, go along now. You don't have all day"

"Wah, aw" Paimon whined as Lumine take her with her.

You are about to sneak your way out but Thoma stands in front of you "not so fast my lady" he smiles, "I can't disobey my two masters"

"Tsk, you and your orders" you cross your arm again "I'm only here because I thought they would let me be, but clearly I was wrong"

"Haha!" he laughs


"I'm sorry my lady but they want to see you" he smiled, "it's been sometime after all"

"..." you pause and look back at him

"They miss you a lot my lady" he pleads with his eyes

"...that a good lie, but I will believe you this time" you walk past him.

Thoma stands there confused, feeling something is changing about you 'that coldness...somehow she don't have them anymore...'

You turn to him "what are you waiting for? Let's go" you demands.

"Y-yes my lady!" he follows you from behind "lady y/n, do you want me to hold-" you hand him your bag/backpack "b-bag..."

The way there, Thoma feels like he has been to a cold place that will suffocate him any minute now. if he tries to talk to you, you just reply with your usual one word.

' no...that coldness is still there...' He drops on both his knee to the ground when you and he finally arrive at the residence of "Kamisato" you said

You walk in leaving Thoma trying to catch a breath, you look around the maintained garden. Waterfall on the side, a little shrine at the corner, and a wonderful view from the open garden "wow..."

"I take that you like it," said a man's voice

You turn to see a man with sky-blue pupils, his long light blue hair tied to the side, and wearing his traditional modern clothes.

"" you said

"Y/n. Win.ter.bloom" he said back

  You two stare at each other, like an ongoing battle.

"Now, now, you two," said a girl's voice, she walked toward the two of you "why are you like this when you just meet each other again?" she smiled.

  You turn to her "It's been a while Ayaka"

"Y/n! It really been so long isn't it" she beams "we didn't know that you would be in Inazuma, if we do we would have welcome you more warmly"

"No, don't be" you shake your head "I'm trying to come here in secret, I don't want to tell no one about it"

"Oh? But my brother said you were coming" she turn to him "isn't that right?"

  Ayato shrugged "I just heard about it" he smirk at you like he know it all.

'This man' you feel tick off, you have never liked this guy as a human, he cunning like a fox. He might smile and talk sweet all the time but only when you are useful to him, someone that benefit him.

she runaway |Kazuha X reader(f)| genshinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora