Ch 13

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  You walk down the street in broad daylight, unlike last time when no one didn't care about you. This time all the attention was on you and you alone.

"Mama! That lady wears some weird mask!"

"Hush now! Don't look at them! They're dangerous" the woman pull her child close to her

  Your hair is tied into a bun and covered with something black cloth, and your face is covered with a treasure hoarder mask 'it's the only thing I can find...'

  You walk faster to the nearest shop and quickly get in to avoid attention and trouble. One of the employees tries to get close to you, you can see her hand trembling.

"H-h-how m-may I help y-you gulp*," she said

  You take off your mask, revealing your face making her stun unable to speak "I need a hood, bring me one of your finest" you hand her the mask to throw them away.

  You untie your hair to let them down, your beautiful straight/curly (whatever u desire) making a girl that is still next to you look at you like you were some art.

"?" you turn to her "what are you still doing here?"

"A-ah! Y-yes! Right away!" she hurriedly runs to the back to get what you need.

  You sit down on their free chair near the window, you look around the places that are filled with different clothes and other artifacts 'so this is what a small shop looks like...'

  A gentleman walk close to you, he seems to be the one who managed this store "May I have the pleasure to welcome you to our humble Shop, m'lady" he bows


"Yes, we have the honor of welcoming you, your purchase has been paid for by one of our secret clients"

"...I see"

"She also noted that to take what you need and she will take care of them" he bows again.

"..." you already know that person is when he addresses her as a secret client 'Ningguang...'

"Is something the matter m'lady?"

"No...tell her thank for me" you signal him to go

"I-is that all?" he looks at you, puzzles


"A-are you sure?" he asks again

"Did she tell you that I don't repeat twice?"

"Y-yes, m'lady! I shall go" he turn around and was about to leave

"Wait" you call him "maybe I do have one thing to tell her..."


"Tell her that 'I will pay her back the hood, and along with my meeting to be secret' that should be all...and bring me some tea while you're at it"

"Right away m'lady" he bows and leaves you alone.

  You look out the window and memories come flashing back, it is the day when you first meet Ningguang.


  It was about 2-3 years ago when an embassy from Liyue was invited to the Winterbloom mansion to discuss their matter.

  You also were there to greet her, her beauty is no joke and her white hair is the most noticeable.

  It was a meeting between The duke and her, but the Duke was delayed by something so you come in his place to finalize their business.

  You quite enjoy your talk with her, it was a bit of change from all those idiots.

"It seems I must get going now" she gets up from her seat

"I will see you out" you follow her

  You two stop at the entrance door, Butler gives her back her coat "it's was a pleasure of meeting you, young Duke of the Winterbloom"

"The pleasure all mine, Lady Ningguang"

"Hm..." she looks at you "if the day ever come for you to set out of your home, come to Liyue, I will show you the finest of our places"

"Thank you but I don't think that day will ever come" you smile

"Haha, you will never know young Duke" she chuckles "fate might be in your favor one day" she smiles and get on her carriage "I'm looking forward to that day to come...along with tea that you brew today" and she leaves.

  You stand there looking at the carriage and turn around to feel all the gaze on you again. And the rumors of you gonna leave the Winterbloom also start from that day on.

Flashback end

"Sigh* I come in secret how did she find out...maybe her intelligence network is better than I expected" you drink your tea

"M'lady, your hood that you order" the same man comes again

"..." you hold the cloak, seeing the silk was smooth. You put it on, it doesn't feel hot nor is it cold "hmm, not bad"

"Our Secret Client was specific with the fabric"

"Hmm," you nod,

  Another man come next to the manager and whisper something in his ear "I see..." he signal him to go "m'lady, our secret client also said that 'You don't need to pay it back, but if you insist how about the tea that you brew, I miss that same taste' that is all m'lady"

"Haha!" you can't help but laugh, "sure, tell her that I will brew the best of all for her" you smile as you put your hood on your head.

"Thank you for doing business with us m'lady" he bows

And the door closed.

At the Jade Chamber

"Lady Ningguang, A letter has arrived for you," said one of the girls

"Hm, a letter? It's been a while since I got a letter," said she, looking up from her paper

"Well, yes since you said non of the letter contained any useful information so you don't need them,"  said the girl

"...true, so where did that letter come from?" Ask Ningguang.

"It says...Y/n Winterbloom"

"Oh? A letter from her, I guess my gift put her in a good mode" she smiles, "hand me that letter"

"Yes, lady Ningguang" she hands the letter to Nigguan and slowly leaves.

  She quietly read the letter and slowly appear with a small smile. She closes her eyes, and folds the paper back "I'm looking forward to your tea Y/n" she smiles as she sips her tea "I hope it is better than my tea"

To be Continue...

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