5 - Regulus + Hogsmeade = Date?

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"You've been in here for days, what're you looking for?" Pandora asked placing a stack of books next to her "I- uh can't tell you" truthfully she had been looking for whatever Remus had that made him able to know about Regulus climbing through her...

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"You've been in here for days, what're you looking for?" Pandora asked placing a stack of books next to her "I- uh can't tell you" truthfully she had been looking for whatever Remus had that made him able to know about Regulus climbing through her window.

"you can't tell me?" She slipped into the chair next to her, Pandora was one of the few she was able to speak to outside of Slytherin without her parents going crazy. Pandora was a Ravenclaw and it showed, of course she wore the blue tie but she was definitely smart and certainly had enough wit and pride to go with it.

"Maybe if you told me I could help you" she liked to think of Pandora as her friend but she was Regulus' friend first, Regulus told her they met while he was walking back from care of magical creatures, Pandora was looking over the black lake.

She had always thought it sounded like the most romantic first meeting ever, like out of one of the muggle books she had snuck out of the library, something you would gush about to your children about.

Yet whenever she mentioned the thought of something romantic between him and Pandora, Regulus would just brush it off and turn silent. Him and Pandora would've made a great couple and Pandora was a pureblood that the Blacks would accept, plus they were already friends but Regulus could never see it even when she tried to compare it to her and Sirius but he would just get more silent so she eventually she just let it go.

"But you might interpret what happened wrong" she sighed shutting the book "well if you explain it correctly then I won't" Pandora kicked her slightly with her foot under the table "Alright fine so basically Regulus was in my bed-" "You guys were?" Pandora whispered leaning closer to her as she raised her eyebrows.

"What? No! He was there because of the flood in his dorm and he decided he wanted to sleep in my bed" Pandora sighed and leaned back into her chair "You almost look disappointed" she laughed "Well I just thought he finally made a move on you that's all" the girl sighed and then her eyes widened and they darted back to her.

"Make a move on me? Are you serious?" She chuckled opening her book again "Am I serious? Are you serious?" Pandora muttered to herself .

"Whatever, why are you looking in books because Regulus was in your bed? They don't usually make books on that" "Well somehow Remus Lupin knew that Regulus climbed into my bed that day and I'm trying to figure out how" "Why don't you just ask him?" Pandora asked, as if it would be that simple.

"Aren't you supposed to smart because you're in Ravenclaw?" Pandora looked at her pointingly  "But yes I did ask and he said some rubbish about not revealing 'the marauders' secrets" she sighed again slamming her head onto her open book reliving the way Remus laid out the words so smoothly.

"You mean as in Gryffindor seventh year Remus Lupin?" Pandora asked "You say that like  Remus is a common name" she huffed into the book "The same Remus Lupin who is like best friends with Sirius Black?" She sat in silence for a moment letting Pandoras words sink in before she quickly lifted her head off of the book.

"Oh my Godrick!" She shouted and only a second later she felt a book being flung right past her head "Sorry Miss Pince" she didn't even have to look up to know it was her.
"But seriously, oh my Godrick!" She whisper-shrieked to Pandora "Would he?- no Remus wouldn't tell Sirius that kind of thing" she started muttering to herself until she felt a soft hand being placed on her shoulder.

"the way I see it (Name) is that you should stop worrying about what Sirius thinks of you. Let the Gryffindors think you and Regulus are sleeping together, what are they going to do? You're engaged for goodness sake" "Just because we're engaged doesn't mean we have to sleep together" she whispered over the table.

"Oh come on (Name) it's sixth year already and you haven't even been on a hogsmeade date" "that's because no one has ever asked me on one and plus it's nearly spring now so not many people are going down there" she sighed, Pandora looked at her for a moment silent then jumped up.

"Well I guess this weekend is one of your last chances" she picked up her stack of books again "wha- where are you going? I thought you were going to help me?" She lifted her head from the book "I am helping you" Pandora then disappeared behind the bookcases and didn't come back.

How on earth was that helping?

Later that day she was still in the library as it was still bothering her, how did Lupin know? As she was reading she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder and she looked to see Regulus.

"Reggie hey" "I literally haven't seen you in ages and I come to find out from Pandora that you're here" "Did she tell you why I'm here?" She asked "No she didn't" "okay good" he slipped into the chair next to her.

"Good? What you don't want me to know?" He said sounding offended "Ugh it's too awkward anyways why are you here?" "Can I not come visit a friend? And don't try avoid my question" "Ugh someone told me they knew you were in my bed and I'm trying to figure out how they know" "you're not even going to tell me who they are?" "No I am not" she looked back down to her book.

"it wasn't Sirius was it?" He asked "No it wasn't, is that the only thing you're worried about? Not the fact that's someone knows" she huffed shutting the book giving up with its contents, "You say it as if we were doing anything, and even if it was you know it's quite common" he said picking at his nails.

"You're joking, you sound like Pandora" "Sure people might gossip about it a bit but they wouldn't necessarily be surprised" "Seriously Regulus I think I'm the only one who is worried about this" she pinched her nose slightly closing her eyes and he put a hand on the shoulder.
"If anyone says anything about it I'll shut it down so don't worry okay" he said in that sweet voice that you couldn't help but follow whatever he said and she nodded.

"Anyways answer my question, why are you here?" "Well you know how it's nearly spring, so I was just wondering if you wanted to come to Hogsmeade with me?" She looked at him silently for a few seconds, was this what Pandora meant when she said that she was going to help her?

"Sure I'd love to go" "it's a date" he smiled widely at her jumping up from his seat and bent down to give her a kiss on the cheek "I'll see you at dinner" he said leaving her sat in the library as she put her nose into a book again wondering why on earth she was nervous now about going to Hogsmeade with Regulus.

It was just normal Regulus, Regulus who this year looked more grown up, his jaw line was sharper and his curls had grown out, his voice had become deeper and he had certainly grown.

How had she not noticed how different he looked until now?
Was this why so many girls were all over him this year more than usual?
Godrick she'd never thought about Regulus like that before, what was going on?

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