♡ 2. Shopping ♡

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I woke up early to get ready. The hotel offered breakfast, which I gladly accepted since I didn't need to pay extra for it. I sat down at a table near a large window and looked at the menu. I ordered a Cappuccino with some yogurt and fruits. It tasted delicious! I finished it up quickly and glanced over at the clock on the wall. In about 20 minutes, I'd meet the love of my life for the first time in months!

Marco and I met when he visited my home country about a year ago. At that time I was 16, and he was 19. My parents didn't approve of the age difference, but once he began explaining his plans for the future and how much money he'd earn by the age of 25, they said they'd be okay with it. I finally got the chance to visit him in Italy, even. Though, I wasn't allowed to know specifically what he worked with. For some reason he was very secretive about it. I was hoping he'd tell me about it now that I'm here, since I had a favor to ask of him. A pretty... big favor.

The clock kept ticking until it was five minutes left. I took my bag, thanked the waitress for my food and left the building. Once I walked outside, I didn't see him at first, until a car honked nearby. I saw the red car and immediately knew it was him. I almost ran to it!

"Marco! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too, Y/N." He said with a smile as he brought my hand to his lips. He gave my hand a gentle kiss and started driving. "Where's your luggage, by the way?"

"Oh, it fell into the water yesterday. That reminds me! I met this strange b-"

"Isn't that irresponsible of you, Y/N?" He asked with a calm voice.

"Y-Yes... But it wasn't my fault! Some guy ran past me and I couldn't stop it from falling. I'm sorry, but I want to tell you about this boy I met yesterday! He bought me a tiramisu!" Marco raised an eyebrow at this.

"What boy?" He didn't sound happy now. Crap, had I upset him? Last time I did he got pretty scary...

"Just a boy, don't worry." I smiled at him, but he just tightened his grip around my hand. "Hey, that kinda hurts..."

"Sorry, babe..." His voice sounded distant, and his gaze was directed forward. I decided to keep quiet the rest of the drive.


We reached a main street that had different shops and restaurants.

"What are we going to do here?" I asked him.

"We're gonna get you another dress, you can't wear the same thing everyday." He still had that monotone voice. I tried not to question it, but it felt like something was wrong. As we exited the car, he grabbed my hand tightly again and directed me to a store. Out of all the stores on this street, I think this must have been the cheapest one. He was probably planning on paying for me, so I should be grateful, though.

"Look at this one! It's so cute!" I exclaimed and pulled out a sundress in my favorite color.

"It looks fine. Wanna get it so we can leave?" He asked.

"Uhm... I'd like to look around just a little bit more, okay?" He only replied with a sigh. I walked around the store but eventually settled on the first dress. As we walked up to the counter, Marco brought out his wallet. I wasn't surprised, just thankful he was being so nice to me.

"40 Euro?! You could have chosen a slightly cheaper dress..." His words made me a bit sad. I didn't even ask him to buy it for me. I grabbed the bag I received from the cashier and walked outside. We kept walking down the street for some time before I heard his stomach growl.

"We should get something to eat! How about... Oh, look! There's a café with a bunch of cakes! It looks so good, I really wanna try it! What do you think?" He glared at me from the side. This look gave me chills.

《Everything I need》Narancia x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now