Chapter Nine

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TW:past trauma (i think)

-3 days later-

After their small,yet very enlightening,walk,
Nancy had a lot more knowledge on Robin,and she hoped that the other girl felt the same way.
Their conversations weren't anything too deep at first;it was just asking basic things like favourite colours or animals or foods,and finally getting to know what each other's birthdays were,which it turned that Robins is March 10th.Nancy was already planning the whole entire party out in her head,in her usual organised Nancy way.

Quickly,they got further into knowing what happened in each other's lives and sharing those dark personal secrets that they swore to never tell anyone about.It was unsettling if Nancy had to say.The sky was turning bleak rapidly and the moon followed them like a stray cat pleading for food with its shallow ghostly eyes,while they exchanged their worst memories.

Robin talked about her father first,how he left her and her mum when she was a mere three year old,unaware of the dangers of the world and still running around her yard with scabby knees and a bright smile.The girls voice trembled as she talked about her mothers past drug and alcohol addiction,also the cause for her dad leaving,and how hard it was as a small child.Not understanding why your mother was passed out in the hallway and not responding when all you wanted to do was to show her your drawings that you used broken crayons to make.

It didn't get better though and Nancy could already feel her throat closing and nose stinging as tears slid down her face,quickly being wiped off with Robins hand.She couldn't even begin to comprehend how Robin must've felt.As the story went downhill,she explained how they got into debt,which was because her mum got fired after coming to work drunk multiple times when she was 12 and not being able to get a proper job since,and then momentarily mentioned about being bullied in high school at 14.

She'd talked about this group,which Nancy had somehow recalled,a few people that wrote rude things on little ripped pieces of lined paper and slipped them into Robins locker.As far as her memory could go,she said that they said annoying things on them like 'freak' or 'homeless girl',sometimes even 'don't forget to get rid of your lice'.Just mean things that teenagers,or bullies,would say to her constantly.

Nancy wanted to tear her hair and gouge her eyes out whilst listening to that,because all of a sudden all the memories of writing on stuff with a leaky pen and slipping notes into a girls locker,who she had no clue about,came flooding back.She remembered just turning 15 and hanging out with a bunch of older boys at one point,they'd talked her into writing messages,that would've surely gotten her into trouble if Robin had told anyone,and then sliding them into her locker.She was young and naive and had absolutely no idea what people were asking for her to do.She just complied to seem 'cool',and now it was causing someone else pain that could've been avoided if she was just a little smarter.

The brunette wasn't one to hide and give fake pity and say 'oh my god I'm so sorry that happened to you',so she did the only logical thing,which was telling Robin the truth.As expected her reaction was nothing short of disappointed and shocked and confused.It was safe to say their sleepover had been cut short,but there wasn't any mention of breaking up,which saved Nancy from staying up at night and overthinking.


"Nancy where are you hurrying to?It's 9 in the morning and we should be having breakfast now instead of watching you run around the house,searching for your car keys like a mad person!"Karen scolded her daughter from the kitchen,keeping her eye on the pancake she was currently about to flip.

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