Chapter Two

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As suspected,Nancy Wheeler was standing on a stage along with Steve 'the hair' Harrington,sporting a small plastic tiara once they finally announced she was prom queen.
Light bounced off its fake jewels in many different directions,causing a huge distraction,although the only thing Robin could focus on was the girl herself.

Something was wrong,really wrong,and if she was the only one that could tell then it turns out she's been going to school with a bunch of idiots.Nancy's usually perfect makeup was now running down her cheeks quickly as muffled sobs escaped her mouth,mascara smudging under her eyes and cheeks flushing red as she stood before everyone.Not mentioning her hair which was in total disarray,strands of it draping her face awkwardly as most of it stood out from the back,pointing in different ways.

Even as she ran off the stage Robin caught a better glimpse of her dress,as it was covered by peoples heads earlier on,and it threw her off guard to see Nancy look so disheveled and not herself as she exited through the doors.

"Well it looks like the prom queen just took off,"the stupid lady guffawed in front of the pupils,most joining in to laugh at the poor girl.

Robin stood,looking at Steve,who was obviously prom king,as if to ask 'what happened?',to which he just glanced back at her confusedly.There was this dumb urge that Robin was suppressing,although it was getting really difficult to.She knew it was absolutely none of her business to go after the crying girl and ask what had happened,but no one else seemed to and you know,she didn't want her to be all alone.That and also the old bitch up there really pissed her off and even though Robin barely knew Nancy,she felt a small sense of protectiveness over her.

So Robin continued to stand in the hall for another half a minute,debating with herself whether she should talk to Nancy or not.
And after she heard someone shouting 'I bet that slut just got dumped',she snapped back into reality and headed out through the doors as well.
Searching for Nancy barely took any time as she hadn't really gone far,leaning against the back of the building with a bunch of crumpled tissues she must've gotten from somewhere.With a small experience of social interaction and talking to (sort of) new people,Robin inched towards her,fumbling with the buttons on her suit.

"Hey um are you okay because well I just saw you run out from there and I guess I wanted to check on you because that's what classmates do,and this is really awkward since we don't know each other but I feel really bad that no one is here with you right at this moment-,"Robin rambled on as the girl continued to weep,tears splattering onto the ground heavily.

A few moments passed before the curly haired brunette started talking,having to get her herself together before obviously."Look,Robin,or at least I think that's what your name is,I don't need to be comforted by you and I definitely don't want any of your pity,"she mumbled,turning her head away from the taller girl.

Robin didn't know whether to be offended or not that Nancy wasn't even sure of her name,although she shouldn't really care whether she knew or not,it made no difference to her life.Expect maybe it would push her even more to realise how invisible she was in this stupid town.

"Hello?"Nancy snapped her fingers in front of Robins face,presumably because she zoned out for a second,lost within her never ending thoughts.

"Right I'm sorry,I guess I'll go now,I was just worried about you but it doesn't matter,"she sighed,clumsily walking back to where she came out from before Nancys voice caused her to halt.

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