16- Sirenized

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Standing Infront of his mirror, Joshua's eyes were finding their way back to the spot that had reddened on his complexion. It looked like a stamp. How could he see the raw emotions put into a slap that had landed on his face?

Was it disgust or disappointment? He grinned at the thought. There was something extraordinary put into the simplicity of that grin. It was amusing indeed.

I did go overboard, didn't I? Joshua pondered.

He ran his hand through the silky strands falling over his forehead, nearly hiding away his sharp eyes. To think that he would be back to his senses in the worse way possible.

No matter how much he waited for his skin to go back to normal, it all ended to no avail. Having a pale complexion was the cherry on top. It always takes a while to heal and a slap with that strength was not a joke. That woman put all her frustration and disappointments into it.

I could take this as an excuse to stop this coverage right here. He mulled over, slightly tilting his head when he heard a knock.

           "What is it," he responded. Kier gave him a confused look when his eyes landed on his overly red cheek.

           "What happened to your face?" Kier inquired.

Joshua wasn't in the mood to answer. It's not like he could go ahead and tell him he got hit by a mad woman.

           "Nevermind that. What are you here for?" he asked, trying to soften his tone laced with enmity.

Kier broke his posture. Now he was going to have a rendezvous with Joshua not as a guard or a secretary but as a friend Joshua might have a soft spot for.

           "I don't think what you're doing is right." He exhaled facing Joshua.

Joshua knew what he meant so he decided to stay quiet.

           "You know how hard this is. There are so many obstacles. You can never reveal too much so just end it without being the bad person like always,"

           "You think being a bad person bothers me?" He could almost bury kier with the look he had on.

Joshua had a lot to deal with and a lecture from kier was just an addition. He knew well that kier would step in when he was going overboard with something.
Because he could do it. He could feel what Joshua couldn't. Compassion and whatnot. It had started to bother Joshua.

Joshua could never let that journalist in on all the details either. What she's looking for is what Joshua has been trying to hide.

Who the hell was she to him anyway? Just a nagging and annoying journalist. She's putting so much into a 'coverage' that's a joke to Joshua. Should he have pitied her though?

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